Chapter 16

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"What do you mean you're our father?" Chase asked Douglas. 

"Yeah, he's our father." Bree said, pointing at Davenport

"No. That's what he's been telling you!" Douglas said as he grabbed a remote off one of the consoles. 

"Well, I don't know who you are, but you're going down!" Adam said. 

Adam, Bree, and Chase went to charge at Douglas and Marcus, but Douglas pointed the remote he had at Adam, Bree, and Chase. He pressed a button and the three bionic siblings were teleported into the cage with Davenport. My eyes widened. What were we going to do now? And where was Leo? 

"You master short range teleportation before I did?! I've been working on that for years!" Davenport said to Douglas as he started to throw a fit. 

"I know. I'm awesome." Douglas said with a smirk and shrug. 

"No, you're not awesome! I'm awesome!" Davenport argued. 

"I'm awesome!" Douglas said again as he pointed at himself. 

"Awesome!" Davenport shouted at him as he pointed at himself. He turned away from Douglas before he could say anything else. 

I turned to Adam, Bree, and Chase and said annoyed, "I've been dealing with this all day." 

Adam glared at Douglas and said, "You're still going down!"

He went to charge at Douglas, but he stopped. He turned to us and said, "My super strength. It's gone." 

Bree gave him a weird look before trying to run. There was nothing. She said confused, "So is my speed." 

Chase placed his two fingers to his temple and said, "I've got nothing." 

"That's because I designed these lasers to block the signals from your bionic chips. That's right. Daddy gave you toys, but he can also take them away." Douglas said with a laugh. 

Marcus walked over to the cage with a smirk on his face. I wanted more than anything to slap it off his face, but it was hard to even look at him. He said to them, "Yeah, and here, you're not superhuman. You're just a bunch of pathetic kids." 

"Hey, sad clown." Douglas said to him as he slapped his arm, "This is my moment! Save it for the stage."  Douglas pushed Marcus away from the cage, and Marcus looked offended. Serves him right.

Davenport and Douglas began to have another one of their little stupid arguments, which allowed Adam, Bree, and Chase to look over to me. But not a single one of them said anything to me, I could see the betrayal in their eyes

Douglas ended our awkward stare-off by saying to Marcus, "Well, Marcus, we finally captured them. Well actually, I captured them. Me, me, me, me, me." 

"You got one of those too, huh?" Chase asked Marcus. 

"You have no idea." Marcus said annoyed. 

"Come on. We got work to do." Douglas said to Marcus. As they walked out, Marcus held his hands up and clenched them in fists frustratedly behind Douglas's back. 

Once they were gone, Chase asked Davenport the question that was running through all of our minds, "Mr. Davenport, why did that guy say he was our father?" 

"Because, technically, he is your father. And my brother." Davenport said

"How is that even possible?" Chase asked. 

"Wait, so does this mean Chase is also my father?" Adam asked confused. Why couldn't Adam have been given some brain cells in his bionic chip? 

Then the others suddenly turned towards me,
"And how could you not tell us you were Phantom?!" Bree yelled

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