Chapter 17

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3rd person POV

When the Davenports returned home that night, an unfamiliar person sat on their porch, once she saw the group she quickly stood, and saw Scarlett in Chase's arms, looking pale, weak, and bloody

"Scarlett!" She gasped, making her way towards her before Adam stopped her

"Who are you?" He asked, a hard glance in his eyes

"That's my sister! Let me through or I swear—" she began, before Chase cut her off

"Are you Sam?" He asked, his voice sounded horse, like he had been holding back tears

"Yes, I promise you I can help her. I'm a superhero to, and there's a place for people just like me that can help her. You have to trust me, she's the one who contacted me," Sam began, holding her hands in a begging motion

"Please, she doesn't have long," Sam finished, looking towards the others with pleading eyes

They looked conflicted, until Chase spoke, "Please. Please save her. I-I can't lose her."

He walked towards Sam and gently placed Scarlett in her arms, her body feeling cold in Sam's arms

"I promise you, she'll be in good hands, thank you," Sam spoke, before her and Scarlett disappeared

"Chase what did you just do? We don't know her!" Bree gasped

"No but Scarlett did! The last thing she said to me was find Sam and that's what I did!" Chase shouted, his hand clutching into fists

"It's out of our hands now, she'll be fine. That's her sister after all," Davenport spoke

"Her... sister?" Leo asked

"Scarlett's real family had another daughter before her. Sam is Scarlett's best shot right now and we need to trust her. There isn't much we can do now," Davenport comforted

"Let's get inside and talk. I think we all need a family discussion right about now," Davenport spoke, leading the family inside the house
3rd person POV

"Kaz! Oliver! Help!" Sam yelled as she appeared in Mighty Med, Scarlett basically hanging limp in her arms

"Scarlett!" Kaz panicked as he rushed towards her, Oliver not far behind

"What happened?" Oliver quickly asked as the hospital staff prepared a bed for Phantom, taking Scarlett from Sam's arms and placing her on the bed, beginning to hook her up to various machines

"I-I don't know! But you have to save her! Save my sister!" Sam cried, tears in her eyes

"Horace! We need you now!" Oliver yelled as he and Kaz began to check over Scarlett for any signs of damage

"What happened? Scarlett!" Horace panicked as he rushed towards the girl, feeling her neck, "Her pulse is weak, we—" Horace began before he noticed something on her neck

He gently brushed her hair out of the way and saw a puncture hole, "She's been hit, twice it looks like," he explained

"With what?" Kaz asked as he looked towards Sam

"I don't know! I don't know what happened all I know is she called me saying to meet her at the Davenports House!" Sam panicked

"We need a blood sample! Stat!" Horace ordered as Kaz began to draw blood from her neck

"Uh, guys? We may want to fix that!" Oliver panicked, pointing towards Scarlett's stomach, her red suit becoming a darker red

"She's losing a lot of blood! We need a transfusion now!" Horace ordered, Sam helped her hands over her mouth as she tried her best not to break down right there

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