Chapter 11

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Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo were going to watch Adam and Chase arm wrestle, but I left my backpack in the cafeteria so I went back to retrieve it

When I got it I heard, "Help! Somebody! I'm trapped!" Leo

I peeked slightly and saw Marcus, and Leo was trapped by the school doors, I've got to help, but not as me

I quickly changed into my Phantom suit and shot Marcus with a laser beam

"Somebody call for a hero?" I asked as I walked in

"Phantom!" Leo cheered

Marcus sneered and went to punch, I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, watching as he landed on the ground

"Don't make it too easy," I chuckled

"No problem," Marcus smirked and punched the back of my knee, I responded by kneeling as Marcus flipped himself back up

He then grabbed a trash can with his molecular kinesis and threw it at Leo, I shot an energy wall in its place as it crashed away from Leo, it's containment's flying from it

I got up and kicked his stomach as he flew back into the wall, I went to punch his face but he moved in time and I created a hole in the wall

He grabbed my arm but I was quicker, I kicked his knee and as he flinched I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, shocking him while doing so

He fell to the ground spewing electricity, which confused me, how the hell was he doing that?

He recovered and got up, looking towards Leo and I stepped in front of him protectively

"She can't protect you forever, I'll be back and when I am, she'll no longer be a threat," he sneered and ran away through the cafeteria

"People have been saying that for years, kinda use to it," I chuckled

"Scarlett?" Leo questioned, I froze, how did he—?

"What? Pssh. No? I'm Phantom, Who's Scarlett?" I spoke nervously

"It is you! You're the Phantom?" Leo spoke, I sighed and looked at the camera before covering them with light, and I took off my mask

"Hey, Leo. How are you?" I nervously spoke

"Oh, you know I'm great. Except for the fact that my best friend has been lying to me about her secret identity," Leo sarcastically spoke

"Leo—" I began

"I don't wanna hear it, you've been lying to all of us about who you are. Some best friend you are," Leo scoffed and walked off, trying to leave through the open doors but I used my telekinesis to close them

"Not even gonna let me make my dramatic exit! What kind of hero are you?!" He scoffed

"Leo, there's a explanation to all of this and if you give me 5 minutes I can explain," I spoke

"3 minutes, go," Leo ordered, looking at his watch

"I became a hero when I was seven when I first discovered my powers, I proceeded to do it and save people around the world. When I became older I had to make it secret since it was starting to become more and more out of hand with the places I was going. I then stopped being Phantom and took time off to hang with you. By doing that I had to erase my memories and just become Scarlett Anderson. Then recently I got those memories back to continue being a hero. I fight for the goodness of all and sometimes fight with others to get the job done. I couldn't tell you what I was doing since it's in the superhero handbook that s hero must never reveal their true identity to anyone, but I'll break it now because you're my best friend," I explained

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