Chapter 21

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It had been exactly one week since my party, and since then there was still no update on my lightning powers, and I've been super upset about it cause I need them back! Luckily tomorrow would be a training session since I hadn't had one in a while so maybe I'd make some progress

But this morning I was with everyone down in the lab getting ready for school, I wore my ring that Chase gave me along with the necklace he got me, I just love them so much!

"Hey can I use this? I need a place to store my toe nail clippings," Adam asked as he picked up a flask, I gagged and shouldered my backpack higher on my shoulder

"You save your toenails?" Leo asked astonished

"Of course," Adam replied, "they're nature's toothpicks."

"Do you know anything about personal hygiene?" I asked disgusted

"You don't even want to know what he flosses with," Bree told me and I gagged again

"You really don't," Adam agreed and Leo looked up at him with horror

Suddenly Chase rushed over from what he was doing with a clipboard and grabbed the glass jar from adam's hands, "Hey! Get away from that," he said, "it's not empty. There are thousands of metallic nano-bots in there."

Chase put the glass jar back on the counter top, "Well then why can't I see them?" Adam asked

"Because they're microscopically small," Chase said

"But," Adam said, "you're microscopically small and I can see you."

"Nano-bots are so tiny; they're invisible to the human eye," Chase explained with an eye roll, "here I'll show you."

Chase grabbed a pair of goggles and told Adam to put them on. "Whoa," Adam marveled and Chase went on to explaining what they do

"They function like mini doctors inside the human body. when patients swallow them, they'll seek and destroy diseased cells or foreign matter," Chase explained

"Ooh, i got a tennis ball and a mini statue of liberty somewhere in my gut," Adam then patted his stomach for emphasis, "it's time to swallow a search party."

Adam went for the jar but Chase grabbed in back from him, "Adam no! Those are valuable."

"Come on Scarlett and leo," Bree said zipping up her backpack, "we don't want to step on broken glass."

"What broken glass?" Leo asked too soon and as Chase and Adam were fighting over the glass jar, it slipped and landed on the floor, glass shattered everywhere

"That broken glass," I responded

"Right," he said before I followed them out of the lab. I didn't want to deal with the aftermath of that one

"I'll meet you at school babe!" I yelled over my shoulder in hopes that he heard me

All I heard was a frantic "Bye!" come from behind me and I smiled as Leo, Bree and I entered the elevator
I noticed chase and adam walk through the doors and was the first one to greet them, "Let me guess, Adam didn't do anything helpful?" I asked Chase as he made his way over to me, he let out a sigh

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