Chapter 4

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(Outfit above)
We were all down in the lab for another mission alert

"Guys, I need to prep you for a very important mission, and to demonstrate, Leo--" Davenport began

"Anh-danh. Mission specialist Dooley," Leo interjected, "will be adding a little more audio-visual 'pizzazzle' to the usual snooze-fest."

Leo swiped up on the tablet and fireworks appeared on the computer screen, we all looked at him weirdly

"Hey, you want a show? Kick in the dough," Leo added

"Tonight I'm sending you to gather intelligence," Davenport spoke

"Oh, you hear that Adam? You better bring a big basket," Chase teased, making Adam have a weird look on his face

"Leo. I was satellite-scouting industrial sites when I found this warehouse that I think is a front for environmental chemicals," Davenport explained when a warehouse was on the screen, then it showed some barrels, "see these barrels? They're full of toxic chemicals. They're expensive to dispose of properly, so they're probably just gonna dump them into the sea."

"Which could harm ocean life and obliterate the coastline," Leo added, then Bree started laughing, we all looked at her

"Owen, you are so sweet. Yes, I will 'Bree' your valentine. See, he took my name and--" Bree began

"Yeah, we got it" Chase spoke

"Even I got it," Adam spoke, "I didn't get it."

"What is going on?" Davenport asked

"She's talking to Owen again," Adam sighed

"He's an artist, and he claims that Bree is his muse," Chase explained

"As an actual artist, he's to dramatic to be honest," I spoke

"Well, I for one am not a-mused," Davenport spoke, then Leo played 'wah-wah-wah' tone off the tablet

"Gimme that!" Davenport ordered as he took the tablet, "And you off the phone!"

"Ugh! Fine. Just tell us what you invented, what went wrong, and how long until it blows up," Bree sassed

"Look, the police cannot bust these guys without evidence, so I need you to sneak in and gather samples. Show 'em the barrel," Davenport spoke and Leo revealed a barrel under a cover

"Now, there's only one safe way to get the samples, and Leo-" Davenport began until Leo cleared his throat, "Sorry. Mission specialist Dooley will demonstrate. First take he canister and attach it to the spout. Push down and tune 45 degrees-" As Davenport was talking Leo had trouble so I helped him push it down, "-to create an airtight seal. Then pull the handle."

Bree laughed again, "Lol, Owen!"

"Bree!" Davenport scolded

"Come on! Why do I have to pay attention all the time? Strong. Smart. Fast. Let's just do this already." Bree spoke and sped off, then she ran into the door

"Bree, how many times have I told you? No texting while super speeding!" Davenport sighed
I had left a while back to go back to my hide out for testing with my mom and Sam, dad was just with something

I continued to run in the treadmill at Mach 3, my record was Mach 2, honestly this is impressive

"Alright, Scarlett. Let's take a break," my mom spoke and turned off the treadmill, I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water off a table

"Hey, mom?" I asked

"Yes?" She replied

"What powers do you have? If you don't mind me asking. It's just that I don't know much about you," I spoke

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