𝟕 - 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝

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better think twice; your train of thought might be altered

♔ (Y/N)'s POV ♔

When I saw Dark come into the cell after I was finished singing, I was really taken aback. This was a total change of behavior compared to what he pulled a few days ago. Why all of a sudden is there a hint of kindness..? It's too early to start trusting him...

"Would you like to meet my friends?" Dark asked me. I was really confused but a hint of heat was spread across my cheeks. Oh yikes. This isn't good at all. When I saw him extend his grey hand out to me, I was hesitant to take it. But, did I really have a choice in the matter? Of course not, SO I took Dark's hand.

"Follow me, love," Dark said, adding that sweet little nickname at the end. Jeez. He was really trying too hard. I saw him roll his black eyes. Oh shit. I forgot that he can read minds. "Good for you to remember, (Y/N)," Dark said. 

I scoffed, "Stop reading my mind! It's an invasion of my privacy." Why did I even say that? He doesn't care.

Dark lead me up the stairs of the basement where I saw one man; he looked similar to Mark and Dark. He had a pale yellow button up, pink suspenders, a pink mustache, and a pink bowtie. He seemed oddly charming in my eyes. I knew that he had to be interesting in many ways due to his seemingly eccentric style and nature.

"W-Wilford Warfstache?" I asked, looking to Dark seeing if I was right. I knew him from past videos like uh, ya know, the one where he stabs Mark in an interview MULTIPLE times. I still can't believe this is all real.

"Why hello, darling!" Wilford exclaimed, waltzing over to me and took my hand. He placed his delicate, soft lips upon it. Jesus, this action had me taken back a little bit. He is definitely as charming as he appeared in the videos.

Dark rolled his eyes, me noticing his jealousy. Wilford moved closer to me, his face almost touching mine, "Did Dark ever tell you how beautiful and sparkly your (E/C) eyes are?" Oh, God. I blushed. Dark saw. This can't be good.

I'm confused... Why flirt with me?? I look like a fucking disaster.

Am I going insane?

"You made a good choice to pay for Mark because ahaha I would've put you in a time loop with the route you would've gone down!!" Wilford said. UH. ONCE AGAIN. I AM CONFUSION.

"Um, thanks? I mean... I ended up here and that's not good eith-" I was interrupted by Dark.

"Wilford stop asking questions. I'm annoyed. Google, come out of the dark." Demanded Dark.

Google materialized before me and bowed, "Hello (Y/N). It is nice to finally meet you. Mark talked about you a lot and this is how I know of your existence," Okay uh cool whatever. Google continued, "I helped Dark with kidnapping you." He gave me a sinister smile.

I never imagined how creepy Google was in real life. Jesus.

"Aww Dark! It's like you kidnapped a princess!" Wilford said, trying to diffuse the tension but ultimately making it worse.

Dark grunted in frustration, "Be quiet, Wilford." But he only said that because I noticed a hint of pink hit his grey cheeks. 

"And I'm not a princess!" I added on, defending myself.

God, I was so uncomfortable.

"Dark, I'm sorry to take time away from your princess, but can I talk to her in private?" Wilford asked gleefully. 

Dark glared at him, "Willlll..."

"I promise that I won't do anything! I just wanna talk to (Y/N)! Please?" Wilford pleaded with Dark. 

Dark groaned, "Fine. But don't be gone for too long."

"H-Hey don't I get a say in this-" Wilford snapped and both of us disappeared into a pink filled reality littered with chaos. "Wilford!? Where the fuck are we!?" I shouted into the endless pink void.

He turned to me and put a finger over his mouth, silencing me. "Look, (Y/N), I know that I may seem crazy and insane. But, you must trust me on this. I've known Dark since 2012. He's cold, calculating, has... a dark past. You need to be careful."

I rolled my eyes. What does he think I am? Stupid? "Easy for you to say. I'm not some sad little girl who's waiting to be rescued, Wilford. I'll find a way out... Somehow."

Wilford was taken aback by my sassy remark. "At least I'm not Dark."

My world flashed blue and red after that, hearing Mark's voice in my mind say, "I know I'm supposed to be a leader in this scenario, but I can't help but feel lost."

A striking pain hit my head, my knees falling down to the ground. "Goddammit!! My mind feels so scattered! What the fuck is going on!?"

Wilford looked at me with a sight of concern, "Am I scaring you, (Y/N)?"

He bit his lip and looked down, "Everything bad that is happening to you is because your mind and body were kidnapped by Dark. It's only natural for you to react like this."

I felt his hands hold mine and lift me up off of the ground, "Let's get you back so Dark doesn't rip our heads off... Ya know, you remind me of my old friend Celine."

Who's Celine? Ya know what, it's better not to ask. I nodded. I was so scared of Dark. So terrified, even though he enchants me in so many ways. It's like he casts a dark love spell every time I look into those black eyes; the eyes that stare into my soul. Those eyes that undoubtedly know all of my weaknesses. Those eyes that hold manipulation and fear-mongering tactics waiting to be used on me.

Wilford snapped his fingers and we were right back where we were before: in front of Dark and Google.

"Dark, she's scared of you." Wilford bluntly stated. My eyes widened in fear. Oh shit. What is Dark gonna say to this...

Dark looked at me softly, a look I hadn't seen him wear before. His eyes holding sympathy and sorrow. It 10/10 must be manipulation.

I felt his cold, soft hand stroke my cheek, "Baby..."

Please god no. I gave him my signature death glare, "Don't call me baby. I'm not your baby. And I will never be your baby."

Dark started stroking my hair, gazing into my eyes. Did he just ignore what I just said-

"Your hair... It's so soft and delicate... like you." Dark said, feeling up my (H/C) hair. I scrunched my eyebrows together. This is not the same Dark that locked me in the room and clearly wants me to call him Daddy and expose my Daddy kink.

A sniffing sound came from behind me. "UGH!" I pushed Wilford's nose away from my hair. "Can you not!?"

Wilford snapped his fingers once again. I really didn't give a shit about what he was doing. Dark and Wilford were annoying the shit out of me.

Dark gazed into my eyes suddenly, his eyes staring into my soul. '(Y/N)... Please trust me... Please let me in.. I promise that I can do so much more for you than that asshole Mark you love so much.' Great. Now Dark is implementing his thoughts into my head. No way. It isn't gonna work on me.

I heard a soda can opening and a sip coming from behind us. I looked over and saw that it was Wilford being uh... Wilford.

Dark rolled his eyes in annoyance, "We're having a moment."

Another sip, "I'm having a cola."

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