You just escaped- Chapter One

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I looked around the dark room, worried what I might find. After all this time of being held in the room up north I wondered why the sudden move. I thought that after being held captive for two weeks Zach would have at least got a lead, so maybe he had found the old warehouse somewhere up north and attempted to rescue me.

The light footsteps interrupted me from my trail of thought. As the door was opened, I yet again braced myself for the torture to begin. All I knew was that I wasn't going to break. This was not going to be like that summer those years, when I was tortured and released to have my mind messed by this crazy 'Doctor'. I was going to have to hold tight for the time being.

Smack! My train of thought was once again interrupted by the pressure on my face, causing me to move slightly.

"So, what do you say to a little conversation?" The deep voice asked, most probably trying to hold back a laugh. As both of us knew it wasn't only a conversation we were having. Even though the word torture would usually imply, me being hurt in a way (physically and mentally) to get information; these people were more of torture for no reason type. That's why the question took me of guard; after all, in these two weeks of me being 'tortured' they hadn't asked a single question. Maybe waiting for me to break (which I haven't but have been making them think) to start asking me questions.

He took my face in his hand. I wanted to struggle; I wanted to scream but I knew that wouldn't help. In fact it would probably make my case worse. The torture had already begun.

His could lips mouthed the words 'Don't be scared'. His cold lips suddenly met mine, but I sat there motionless. For days this had happened. I had to go through this and every time I felt sick. He looked into my eyes and sat down on the seat opposite.

"So, I guess you're wondering why your here," He got no response and looked amused. "Well, you see that you don't know," I wanted to shout at him so badly that, that was kind of obvious. "We are going to let you go, but you will not walk away the say. If you want to go, you can go. I'll undo your cuffs and you can leave."

"Why should I trust you" I spat. His mouth turned to a grin.

"You escaped; there was no way to stop you. You just escaped." Was his answer...

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