Think About It

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Riley was on her bed with her text book opened and her glasses perched on her nose as she read. Their final exams were in a week and she wanted to believe that she was ready, both her and Roman had scholarships in mind so they needed to work towards that

Dean's thigh had almost completely healed, he was off the crutches, didn't have to band it up anymore and he could walk without a limp now and Riley was so proud with how far he'd come

But his offer still rang heavy on her mind. Run away with him, leave all this behind

"Hey Riles, I got you some cookies," Roman said walking into her room, cutting off her thoughts

"Thank you," she stated quietly and looked at her brother amused when he lay down on the bed next to her and stared at her, she gave him an amused look

"What's up with you?" She asked, eyebrow arched

"Is something bothering you?" He asked and she tilted her head

"You've been so quiet lately, not like your usual happy ass," he told her and she looked at the wall

"Have you ever wanted to leave this town?" She asked and Roman hummed

"Sometimes," he replied and she looked back at him

"What do you mean sometimes?" She asked and he shrugged against her bed spread

"I mean, sometimes you think about the big picture, like what's the world like outside these lines, how many different kinds of people are there outside the people we already know," Roman explained and then sat up and slapped her leg

"But that's why we want the matching scholarships, to get outta this town," he told her with a smile and she weakly smiled back

"Is there a reason you asked?" He questioned innocently and she opted to tell him the truth

"Dean asked me-"

"Kids? I'm home!" They heard their dad yell and Roman opened the door and told her to follow him as they went down to greet their dad

Riley sighed, what the hell was she going to do? Roman and her dad were here. In this town. How could she leave?

Later, Dean asked her to meet him at the diner for a late night date as he called it and she went

"So you thinking about my offer?" He asked, putting a fry in his mouth

"I am," she replied with a nod, when Dean saw she wasn't meeting his eyes, he sighed and took her hand

"I'm not gonna force you to this baby, I'm just saying that if you do wanna go, I'd be happy to take you with me, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you Riley, and I wanna have a life with you, but I'm not about to give you an ultimatum or force you but if you decide to-" he paused

"I'd love to have you along for the ride," he finished

"It's appealing honestly, but I just don't wanna leave Roman and my dad," she told him and Dean sighed

"Babe, Roman's going to college soon, and you're dad is always on business trips, literally he's home for a day and then takes off again," he told her and she sighed

"You're so worried about leaving them here but they're not gonna be here either Riley," Dean told her

"So I'm just supposed to pack up and leave?" She asked him

"I wanna marry you Riley, as soon as possible, we graduate in two weeks, I wanna leave on graduation day, after the ceremony, I need to be in Atlanta by the next day," he told her

"I got an offer to be a part of one of the best baseball teams in college history, it's a dream come through for me, I can't pass up that oppurtunity Riles," he explained

"Congratulations baby," she said genuinly, leaning over the table to kiss his lips

"Thanks, I would love if you'd come with me and we could start a life together," he told her and she sighed

"I don't know about this," she told him honestly and he sighed

"I understand, just think about it alright?" He asked and she nodded

"I really am proud of you babe," she said and he smiled as he started talking about all the good things the coaches said about him, and how they were there at the last game, they told him he'd get adequate rest time as to not trigger his injury, but he didn't care, cuz this was his dream, to play for a renowned baseball team

"So what's your plan for when you go down there?" She asked him

"You know my mom's like filthy rich?" He asked and at the nodded reply

"She put a payment down on a house there, she's gonna sell the one here so that's gonna be my home down there now, and I'm gonna go to college and hopefully if you choose to go with me, we'll get married and you know, have a family," he told her and she bit her lip, he really thought all this through didn't he.

The next day, Dean had cancelled hanging out with Riley in favour of doing a little shopping, he had some stuff to get for his trip down to Georgia as well as a little something for Riley.

He was making a long shot with this purchase, but if she did want to go with him, he'd be glad he made the buy. Even though it was a hit or miss, he looked for the best one and bought it. Now it all came down to Riley's choice

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