From Bad To Worse

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Roman rubbed his face in frustration. He could not catch a break lately, he still didn't know what came over him that day in the hallway, that was 3 days ago and since then, he'd been trying to apologize to Riley and she was having none of it. She had been keeping up her silent treatment since then. Roman was sad. He didn't know how to explain it to her, it was a heat of the moment and he couldn't stand it 

"Riles," Roman began watching as she raced around the kitchen, making them dinner, Riley didn't answer 

"Riley, look I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to push you, I just really, really love Charlotte, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have punched her," Roman said 

Riley dropped the cup in the sink, making a loud sound and she swung around on her heels 

"Don't even try to turn this around on me Leati Roman Joseph Reigns,"  she said pointing an accusing finger at him

He looked shocked at her outburst, she NEVER used his entire name, not even when she was mad at him, meaning she was incredibly pissed off. Desperate times called for desperate measures 

"Lelani," Roman called, using her given Samoan name 

It worked for a split second as Roman saw her eyes soften before they hardened and you could see the smoke flowing from her ears 

"Roman, you hurt me, in more ways than one," she expressed, showing him the blue-black mark on her elbow from when he pushed her and she hit the floor 

"You're supposed to protect me from getting heartbroken, and instead you were the one to break my heart," Riley said, walking past Roman 

Roman huffed thinking it would have been better if he had kept his goddamn mouth shut. He made up his mind. When Riley left to hang out with Dean tomorrow,he'd pack his bags and take early administration at the university in which he was granted his football scholarship. It was supposed to start next year, but this was for the best. He couldn't keep hurting his sister like he had been. After everything, he was sure she wouldn't miss him anymore. So after getting the okay from his mom and dad, he wrote a letter to his administrator whom he told his plan of early enrollment, gave him an okay and he began to write his goodbye letter to Riley, his tears wetting the paper as he went.

When he finished, he hoped the ink was still legible with all the tear stains decorating it. He closed his eyes and lay on his bed, hair laid out around him, he wiped under his eyes, hearing Riley's music on the other side of the wall, he took out the box labelled 'Riley&Roman' and smiled at it, he had had this box made for this day exactly, but he hadn't known his day would come this soon, he sighed and caressed the picture of them hugging on the inside of the box's lid and put in his letter, closing it and leaving it on his dresser and setting his alarm for 1 in the morning, he'd be out before Riley even realized he was gone.

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