Abandon Your Family

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"Ri?" Roman called, opening her bedroom door, Riley looked up from her textbooks and smiled at him 

"Yeah Ro?" she asked, closing her chemistry text book and moving some papers so he could sit, which he did 

"So, since we haven't spent alot of time together since football practice and everything, I thought tonight we'd have our R&R Movie Nights, like we always did, you up for it?" Roman asked, locking his grey eyes with hers 

"Are you being serious?" she asked, smiling widely 

"As serious as a football tackle," he said, making her shake her head, of course. 

"Okay, yeah, that sounds great!" she replied, enthusiastically 

"Great, I'm gonna get the movies and buy some popcorn since some fatass ate it all," he said, giving her a look

"Roman, it was your fatass that ate it all," she replied, laughing at the guilty face of her big brother

Roman raised his finger, opening his mouth to reply, then he shut it and walked out of the room, Riley looked amusedly after him and shook her head fondly before she re-opened her text book and picked up where she left off


Riley was ready, decked out in her grey vest and plaid shorts for a movie night with her brother

Riley was ready, decked out in her grey vest and plaid shorts for a movie night with her brother

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"Ro! Are you ready?" she asked, the sound of her bare feet running down the stairs filled the room 

She was excited, until she saw the scene that unfolded in front of her 

There was Roman, putting in a movie, with Seth and Dean looking on from the couch, with a bowl of popcorn in between them 

"Oh Riles, I invited Seth and Dean over, are you ready to watch?" he asked, taking his place on the recliner 

Riley's eyes went from Dean and Seth to Roman and she forcedly smiled 

"Um, it's okay Ro, I'm not really feeling it anymore, you guys enjoy though," she spoke, making Roman give her a weird look, wasn't she all excited when he had asked her? 

She walked out into the back porch,as Roman sat down to watch the movie

The way their house was built, you could climb up the ladder in the garden and reach to the roof's viewing area, it was completely safe.

She climbed up and sat down on the peak of the roof, sighing and bringing her knees to her chest and resting her chin on her knees as the moon found competition with her eyes, both emitting a silvery light 

Roman was beginning to get worried, the movie was almost halfway done and Riley hadn't come back inside yet, he excused himself and stretched before he walked outside, immediately beginning to climb the ladder, knowing that's where she'd go. And he was right, the way her knees were up to her chest put his mind to work, automatically knowing something was wrong 

"Riles, what's going on?" he asked, using his upper body strength to pull his 265 pound frame onto the roof 

"Roman, go back inside," she replied, not even looking in his direction, he carefully sat next to her 

"Not until you tell me what's going on," he said stubbornly

"You wanna know what's going on? Fine. I'm tired of you bailing on me for dumb and dumber, you're supposed to be my brother. But lately, it seems like any time I wanna hang out with you, you'd rather hang out with them. I'm just tired of being 3rd choice," she replied 

"Tuafafine," Roman said shocked, he couldn't believe he had been treating his sister like that 

Riley bitterly chuckled 

"Whatever, it's fine, I'm going to my room, enjoy you're movie night, and don't send them home, I don't wanna be the reason you abandon your family," she said beginning to climb down, leaving Roman on the roof feeling like scum 

Riley briskly walked through the house and up the stairs, not making eye contact with Seth or Dean who she knew were looking at her, she marched to her room and closed and locked her door, getting her phone and beginning a text to Charlotte 

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