Proposal? Kinda?

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Dean stood up from the bed and walked over to where Riley was sitting on the couch, he probably had 2 months again before his leg would be back to full health but moving around and walking and stuff became easier on him

"Baby," Dean called as he looked at Riley closely, gosh she was beautiful. And she was all his.

"Yeah?" She asked and then she turned around to see her Dean with a smile on his lips and a glint in his eyes

"I need to ask you something." He admitted and she looked at him in confusion

"What is it?" She asked, tilting her head to the side

"I know we're too young to know about forever, but would you run away with me?" He asked her, rubbing her bare shoulder

Her expression changed into one of shock and maybe a little bit of concern

"Dean-" she began but he shook his head

"Just hear me out first," he said, then took the hands of the person he loved

"These last few months, you haven't left my side, you're the sweetest most forgiving person I've ever met in my entire life and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you Riles, I wanna marry you, but Roman and your dad aren't gonna let you get married," he explained and Riley's eyes shined

"But I wanna marry you Riley, we graduate in a month, after that, I want you forever, I wanna start my life with you," Dean told her

"And I can't have the life I want and the life you deserve stuck here, this place ain't big enough for the love I got for you," he told her

"As soon as we graduate, I'm gone. I'm moving outta this town, and I'd really like if you'd go with me," he told her and she just stared at him

"I'm not expecting an answer now, I just want you to think about this, long and hard, I love you alot Riley," Dean said looking deep into her eyes

"I love you to," she said after a deep swallow

Riley went home that night and sat by the window, she was at a loss. Dean, the guy she loved with everything in her, and no doubt wanted to marry someday, just asked her to run away with him, to elope.

Could she really do that? Could she really leave Roman? Leave her dad? For Dean? It was two months till graduation, she had a good amount of time to think about it.

The thought did interest her though, she could run away with Dean, get married, go to university, and both of them could build a life together, in fact that sounded amazing.

Her family meant the world to her though, but Dean meant alot to her to, oh god, she was so confused. What was the right thing to do? Either way, whatver decision she would make, someone was bound to get hurt and she didn't want to make anyone sad, because she loved them

Dean sat on his bed, playing with the promise ring Riley had given him, he knew what he wanted out of life. He really wanted to leave this place, take Riley with him, show her the world, marry her, build a life together, have a family, grow old together and just be with her forever

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that Dean being just 18 years old, doesn't know about love, doesn't know a damn thing about forever, but he knew that no one in this world makes him feel like how Riley does. Nobody makes him feel as loved, and as appreciated and valued as Riley does, and if she wants to go with him, he could promise her the world and if she doesn't wanna go with him, he'd spend every day of his new life loving her. That he knew.

Ik This Chapter Was A Long Time In Coming But I Finally Got Some Ideas😂❤ Thanks To Those Who Waited Love And Appreciate You All🔐🤘🔥

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