Leilani Riley Jolene Reigns

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Riley Jolene Reigns is 17 years old, she was born on December 27th 1985. She has an older brother Leati Roman Joseph Reigns, whose her favourite person in the whole wide world and she has another older brother, who's the oldest, Rosey Matt Reigns, whose in college, she's the only girl in the children

Her father Sika and her mom Trisha work alot and have various clubs to attend so she's been forced to become independent, not that she minded that much

She attended high school with her brother and her best friends since they were kids, Nikki and Charlotte 

She was all straight A's and smiles, she was athletic and did a bit of soccor with Nikki in school, until she had to get a shin surgery that put her out. She was what you'd call an 'allrounder' she loved life but she hated superficial people. 

She had black hair and grey eyes with full lips, her mom always told her, it was a mistake on the certificates and Roman and her were both twins since they both looked so much alike, just she was a little lighter than Roman and ALOT more mature than him

She loved her family to pieces and would do anything for them. Especially her big brother Roman, they were practically connected at the hip, she knew he'd do anything for her too. They've been best friends since she was born. Roman was a star player on the football team, becoming captain in his second year, Roman was clearly their mom's favourite while Riley was always her daddy's girl

She never really got along with Rosey, neither did Roman, because he was so closed off and stubborn, he wasn't all that friendly, and he always said 'Family are the first ones to stab you in the back' so Roman and Riley tended to keep their distance from him, not that he noticed, and if he did, he simply gave no fucks 

Riley was a caring, good-natured, sweetheart with a heart of gold, she forgave within reason and was always up for helping someone. Family was her number 1 priority, she spoke a little of their native language and she could cook and sing really well. 

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