Part 12

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You took in a deep breath and walked over to where Calum was sitting. The walk felt like forever, you got to his side as he looked up to you with those big brown eyes and luscious locks you fell in love with the first night you met him. It had been 3 months since you last spoke to Calum and he looked the same as you remember him but something was missing. "Calum." ....


His eyes locked with yours, '"y/n", he stood up to lean in for a hug, you were taken back but you leaned in anyways. "Oh I'm sorry" He said noticing that you were a little uncomfortable. "No it's okay." You sat down on the bench opposite him placing you bag near your side. You both just kind of stared at each other for a bit trying to adjust yourself, there was a weird tension in the air, it had been so long that you had seen each other you forgot how he made you feel. You missed him but you didn't want to show him that. After all that happened, he still did what he did and you needed him to feel a bit of pain for a while so you decided not to bare it all out in front of him just yet.

"So how have you been?" He was cut off by the waiter walking over to us, "Hi, what can I get for you guys?" She asked. "I'll just have a regular coffee please" you smiled to her. "I'll have the same" Calum replied to her also. "No worries, I'll be back shortly" She said then walked off. You looked up at Calum who hadn't taken his eyes off you. "I've been doing pretty good actually, I've been spending a lot of time with my mum and Nick, catching up on the past 4 years a lot has happened you know." You said. He nodded along. "Well what about you?" You asked. "Um, well it has been alright I guess, I'm just trying to get myself back together. I'm not going to lie y/n, I've been pretty lost without you." He said his eyes looking up from his hands to see your reaction. You didn't expect him to expose his feelings so soon, I guess he really was just as miserable as you. You nodded in response. He shook his head a little. "I don't know, I guess I've just been getting by these days." He said shrugging it off, taking your nod as a response that you didn't really care about his feelings. "How's your mum doing?" "I've been pretty miserable without you too." You cut him off.

His eyes widen, "Here you go, two regular coffees." The waitress came over placing the mugs on the table beside you both. You thanked her and looked back at Calum who hadn't moved his gaze from you. You slouched in your seat admitting defeat, you told yourself you weren't going to give in this soon but you couldn't watch him sit there and tell you how miserable he felt and not relate to him. "You were?" He asked with a questioning look. "Yeah, I guess I was." You replied taking a sip from your coffee. "Well that's good to hear." He replied. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, I just mean like I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was missing the other person." He tried to save himself. You just chuckled at his response. "Well yeah, I guess you weren't."


You and Calum continued talking and catching up on the past few months and how things have been, you didn't mention anything about the kidnap, it was almost too soon to bring it up now and beside you were both enjoying each others company so much and it had been so long since you had seen each other so you both decided not to bring it up and ruin the night. The cafe was closing soon and you pulled out your phone to text your brother to come pick you up. "Don't text your brother, I'll drop you off." Calum stated. You looked up at him. "If that's okay with you." He finished. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Of course." He replied. You texted your brother that Calum was going to drop you off at home.

You both thanked the waitress before leaving the cafe. The car ride home wasn't awkward at all, you both stayed silent most of the time but it felt just like old times, you just enjoyed being around him. Calum spoke first, "so I'm having a few people over this Saturday at my place if you want to come past, I'd really like it if you came." He looked over at you then back at the road. "Um, I think I have plans this Saturday but I'll definitely let you know." You replied. "Oh yeah, that's okay if you already have plans I can send you the address anyways if you change your mind." He replied kind of disappointed. "That's okay, I remember it." You glanced over at him and saw a small smile form on his lips. You looked back to the road and smiled to yourself. "But text me the time anyways just in case I forget that." You smiled to him as he pulled into your driveway.

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