Part 9

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It was going onto the third day at your mums place and the third day since you last saw Calum, Calum had texted you a few times to see how you were going and to apologise for everything, he still hadn't decided to tell you the complete truth yet, he said that you were safer at your mums place anyway and that he would call you soon to explain everything. You hadn't spoken to him over the phone, you thought that hearing his voice would make you breakdown again so you both texted but you tried to keep it limited, you wanted to just enjoy spending time with you mum while you were here anyways, you missed her.

"Mum, lets go to the pier tonight, we can grab some dinner and go for a walk on the beach if you'd want?" You mum was totally up for it, she was surprised you wanted to leave the house, you hadn't left since you first came over, not even to the store to grab some groceries.

Later that night you both had finished your dinner at one of the restaurants on the pier, you were walking along the boardwalk looking into the small stores and just trying to forget about Calum as much as you could. You walked into an old book store and you and your mum were in different isles looking at the vintage books, the whole night you felt off, almost like someone had been following you around and watching you, you tried to ignore it anyway and you kept your gaze peered on this one book until you heard someone call out your name, "Y/n" you looked up to see your ex-boyfriend Mark standing in front of you. "Mark?" You said smiling up to him. You had dated Mark back in high school when you were a sophomore and you guys broke up because you both agreed that you were still young and you didn't want to be tied down as teenagers with a relationship but you still cared for each other otherwise you would've never dated. "Hey how are you?" He said as he leaned in for a hug, "I'm so good thanks for asking, what are you doing here? I thought you moved away." You said happy to see him. He went on to explain where he was at in life now, you mum joined you again as you both walked along the pier with him. Your mum seemed more interested in him than you were which you found hilarious. After an hour of spending time with Mark you left him and your mum for a second to make a quick trip to the bathroom.

You walked past the stores that you had just walked through and back over to the start of the boardwalk where the toilets were. You had an eerie feeling the whole time, you just figured it was in your head, you walked back out of the bathroom and began walking back to your mum and Mark when suddenly a man dressed in all black clothing with a face mask on had put a cloth over your mouth and two other men came from around the side of you and grabbed your arms, you put your weight onto the men holding your arms and pushed yourself up to try kick the man who was covering your mouth, they wouldn't move, they were too strong and held their grip on you dragging you across the car park and threw you into the back of a car and drove off.

You were freaking out and panicking, you tried to stay as calm as you could and think of the best way you could escape right now, the last thing you needed was to have a panic attack so you calmed your breathing and started counting the seconds in your head and trying to remember every turn they took so if you needed to run you knew how far and which way to go. You started counting but lost track when you couldn't keep up over how loud they were talking so you started listening to what they were saying, "what do we do with her now?" One of them had said, "we take her back to Jack and he'll tell us what to do, I'm just worried about Calum I know he's going to come looking for her soon, he's so attached to this one." Their voices didn't sound familiar and you had no idea who Jack was, you tried your best to stay calm but now you were so worried, you just wished Calum was here with you now, you hate that you were arguing with him over something so stupid when you could be with him at home right now.

You just hope your mum notices you're gone soon and tries to find you. You patted yourself down to feel if you still had your phone on you, you did, they're so stupid to not have taken it, you texted your mum, you didn't want to call her in case they heard you, you messaged her that you had just been taken into he back of a car by some random men and you weren't sure where you were but they were taking you to some guy named Jack and you told her not to call the police but call Calum and tell him hoping he would know what to do. You deleted the message and locked your phone so they couldn't trace it and kept quiet until you got to "Jack."

*Calum's POV*

It was around 10pm at night and you were sitting on your balcony deciding whether to call y/n or not, you felt like an asshole to her the other night when you picked her up from the club but you didn't know how she was going to be able to handle the truth about your past. You felt your phone vibrate on your hands, you looked down and saw Maya calling you, "hello?" "Calum! Oh God Calum something's wrong! Somethings wrong with y/n!" Maya yelled through the phone on the other side. "Maya, you need to calm down first I can't understand you! What's wrong?!?." "She gone Calum, they took her." Your heart started speeding up, "who's gone?." "Y/n, they took her Calum, Jack took her." Your heart dropped, you knew exactly what was going on and you had to find her now before she got to Jack. "Go home Maya, I'm going to go find her now, I think I might know where she is, just make sure you stay inside and keep yourself safe, I love you." You said and hung up on y/n's mum. You grabbed a duffle bag right away and packed it up, you knew where she was and why they had taken her."

*Y/n's POV*

You felt the car come to a stop, you waited for someone to walk around and untie you, the hood opened and you saw three guys dressed in black staring back at you, "alright grab her legs I'll grab her arms." They picked you up out of the car and pushed you inside an old warehouse, you looked around outside to see if the area looked familiar but it didn't. You got dragged into a seperate room that didn't have any windows, just a chair in the middle of the room. They sat you down and untied you and removed the cover on your mouth. "What the fuck is going on." You yelled at them, they just stared back at you, "did I fucking stutter or is someone going to tell me why I'm here." You yelled again. "I get why Calum likes her." They just laughed with each other, "how do you guys know Calum?" You questioned them, "just wait and see." One of the masked men said as they all walked out of the room and left you in there alone.

You looked around the room, there was no where to go other than the door they came in from and you heard them lock it on the way out, you grabbed your phone out and saw that it had died, just your luck. You were just hoping your mum got your message and is sending someone your way now. You're not sure what Calum has to do with this but you were so worried and mad at the same time. You sat back down on the chair and held your head in your hands rubbing your eyes, the room was so dark you couldn't tell if you were seeing the room or if your eyes were basically closed.


You awoke to the sound of the door unlocking and a brightness coming from the other side of the room. Your eyes squinted at the sight and in walked a tall broad man who looked just as intimidating as he sounded, "no one had the decency to turn a light on for you?" He said as he flicked the switch causing you to cover your eyes waiting for them to adjust to the new light. He pulled a chair out of the other room and moved it to sit in front of you, "y/n, so you're the one who's stolen Calum's heart?, I'm Jack by the way." He said as he pulled out an envelope from behind him. "How do you know Calum?" You asked him tiredly at this point. "Your boyfriend Calum used to work for an old friend of mine, he got involved with some business of ours back in the day which ended up with him shooting two of our men who got caught and who are now doing time in jail for his actions." He said looking you in the eyes. "You mean my Calum? There's no way... Calum wouldn't do that?" You almost questioned yourself. "I almost hoped you weren't as dumb as his other girl but I might be wrong." "Listen asshole what the fuck do you want with me?" "Oh honey, I don't want you, I want your boyfriend but taking you was the only way we were going to get to him, I've had my men tracing him for months, ever since the first night he met you at your friends birthday." You sat there shocked and scared, this wasn't a joke, this was serious, this Jack guy had been following you and Calum around everywhere just to find the perfect time to take you away from him. "We even sent out one of or men the other night to get you more discreetly but he was too drunk and Calum I suppose had other plans for him that night. "The guy at the bar worked for you?" You said surprised, you felt like an idiot for falling for it and more like an idiot for not trusting Calum. "So what now?" You asked. "Well these are two of our men that were shot that night, he said as he pulled out two photos from the envelope, he never finished his delivery that day and he owns us $50,000." "So that's what he was trying to find." You said quietly under your breath remembering back to the break in, the night you and Calum got home from your first proper date with him, he was trying to see if hey had found the money.

You took the photos out of Jacks hands and looked down at the two men... Your eyes glanced over the first image not recognising the man then you scanned over the second image... "Nick?" You said shocked.

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