Part 11

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It had been 3 weeks since you last spoke to Calum, you had no communication with him whatsoever, I think he realised this was the most important time for you both, if he kept reminding you of him everyday then it would only make it harder or you to heal and he needed you in his life, he made that pretty clear. You thought it was also best so that you could sort things out with your family and mend things with your brother and mother, being apart for so long you start to change your routine so to have him back was overwhelming not only because he was out of jail but because of the whole situation with him and Calum. 

Your mum was so eager to see Nick, especially having to wait an extra 3 weeks just so he can "lay low" even though you thought you all had established that Calum changed and he wasn't going to hurt my brother, if anything he'd want to hurt Jack not Nick, I don't actually even know why he hasn't done anything to him yet, maybe Jack really is more powerful than you think. 

You invited your brother over for lunch so your mum could see him, he was currently living in an apartment nearby, he found himself a full time job and is trying to catch up on all the time he's missed so far. Lunch time came around and your mum had made Nicks favourite, Lasagna. There was a knock at the door, you walk over and see your brother that you hadn't seen in 3 weeks standing on the other side, you greet him and watch him enter as a wide smile spreads across his face, you turn around to your mum and see her covering her face as she tries to hold back the tears. Nick walks up to her and takes her into a big embrace which only makes her tear up more. You couldn't help but tear up a little too. 

You talked over lunch and your mum didn't leave his side the whole time, she didn't really seem to care about Nicks past either, she was just glad he had moved past it and that he learnt something while in jail and that he's getting his life together now. 


You were sitting in the living room watching a movie, while you were sitting there you couldn't help but miss Calum, you wish he was with you right now and that this stupid situation never happened. You opened your camera roll and scrolled through your pictures of you and Calum, you missed him so much more now, you got up and walked over to the bathroom trying to cover your tears. You washed your face and tried to get yourself together, as you opened the bathroom door to walk out you jumped in your place, you looked up and saw Nick standing in front of you. "What are you doing? You scared me." You said as you held your chest. "I heard you crying." He said blunt. "What are you talking about? I wasn't crying." You said trying to believe it yourself. 

"Y/n, you don't have to act so strong all the time, I know being away from Calum is killing you, it's okay to be upset sometimes, you're not hurting anyone but yourself by keeping it in." When those words left Nicks mouth it was like a trigger to your tears, every emotion that you had been keeping bottled up inside for the last 3 weeks just came pouring out at once. You bursted into tears and Nick pulled you into his arms, he held you tight as you let it all out finally. "How Nick? Tell me how? How can I love someone that shot my own brother, how can I be in love with someone like that, it's not only unfair to me but to you too, I don't want to be with someone that reminds my family of such a horrific moment in their life, it wasn't even a moment, he took you away from us for 4 fucking years, how do I love someone like that please tell me." You said sobbing your way through your words. 

He just hugged you tighter, "you don't get to choose who you fall in love with and you just happened to fall in love with him, everything happens for a reason y/n, maybe you were meant to fall in love with Calum so that Jack, you, mum and I could see that Calum's a genuine guy and he never intended on having me locked up and he was only doing his job, life happens and this is just a part of it, if you love him truly then you will forgive him for what he did to me and you'll accept that his past is his past and if you believe that he's a changed person then that's all you need to allow yourself to be with him." Nick was never the one to get emotional and this sounded so cliche but I think jail changed him too, for the better that is. 

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