Part 8

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You woke up the next morning to see Calum snuggled up by your side, you felt his warm breath breathing onto your skin, you leaned over and picked up your phone from your side table, you opened your messages and went to text Lana,

Y/n: "hey babe I'm really sorry for last night I hope I didn't worry you too much and I hope Calum didn't scare you, I don't know, it's like when he gets aggressive he can't stop but I know he'll never hurt me, idk what's going on with him but we're both good right now and I'm sorry the night ended like that xx."

Lana: "hey babe, it's all good, yeah I'm not going to lie Calum was a little frightening last night but as long as you two are okay then that's all that matters but maybe you should talk to him about it x."

Y/n: "yeah, I think I will, thanks."

You placed your phone back down on the table and tried to move out of Calum's grip a bit so you could go take a shower, you got into the shower and let the warm water run down your hair and back, you let your thoughts run through your mind and you tried to collect them as you were trying to think of what you were going to say to Calum.

You got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around your body, you walked over to your closet and noticed that Calum was still sleeping. You dropped your towel and changed into some denim shorts and a kind of baggy t-shirt that you slightly tucked into your shorts. You brushed your wet hair and decided to let it air dry. "Baby..." Calum moaned in his raspy morning voice as he tried to wake up. "Morning Cal." You said looking over to him and smiling. "Why are you up so early?" he asked. "It's not early Cal it's almost midday." You said. "Oh shit, I didn't realise I slept in for so long." He rubbed his eyes trying to force his body awake. "If you're still tired stay in bed I'll bring you come coffee." You said. "You will?" he asked. "Of course, I was just going to go make one anyways." "Thank you baby." He said as he let his head hit the pillow. 

You walked downstairs and brewed the coffee and took out two mugs and poured the coffee and sugar in then took both mugs back upstairs and handed one to Calum, "Thank you" he said as he sat up to drink from his cup. You sat on the bed next to him as you sipped on your coffee, the room was silent. 

"Whats wrong babe?" Calum could tell there was something on your mind. You didn't realise you were day dreaming, "huh?" You asked as you looked over to him. "What are you thinking?" He now said as he sat up from his spot and placed his coffee down on the table. "Hmm, oh nothing." you replied. "Babe, I know you're thinking about something, tell me what's wrong." You weren't too sure how to bring it up but you knew you had to talk about it with Calum. "I don't know, its just last night.. I was just thinking about everything that happened." You started. "Y/n if this is about that guy ..." "Calum, last night I saw a different side of you.." you interrupted him. "'s like the aggression in your body took over and I was honestly scared of you for a second." You looked up at Calum to see his reaction, his head was down and his breath was steady. "Cal?" "I know y/n, I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you." He replied. "What do you mean Cal? I didn't know what to do, I thought you were going to kill him!" you said your voice a bit louder now. "No y/n, I wouldn't have." "Really Calum? That's all you have to say?" You were mad now. 

"What do you want me to tell you? How do you not expect me to get mad and try kill the guy that was basically dry humping you on the fucking dancefloor?" Calum said now his voice the once raised. You waited a second so he could calm down. "No Calum, that anger was not just because you saw another guy dancing with me, that's bullshit, you were a whole different person Calum, listen, I don't know what's going on with you or what has happened with you in the past but you need to tell me everything now." You said stern. "Y/n, I can't do that I'm sorry, you just have to trust me on this, that I'm only trying to protect you and the more you know the worse things will get." "What does that mean Calum? How am I supposed to trust you when I feel like I don't even know you anymore." You looked up to Calum who looked hurt but he knew he was protecting you by not telling you what was going on. "Babe, it's the same me, its always been me but there's just certain things I can't tell you right now please just trust me on this." "I'm sorry Calum but until you start explaining to me what's going on I can't be with you right now, I'm going to go stay with my mum until I decide what I want for myself because right now I don't feel like our relationship has trust in it, I feel like someones lying to the other person and I don't want to live like that, so when you're ready to talk I'll be at my mums." You said as you stood up and grabbed a bag and put your essentials like your phone, charger and a spare jumper because most of your clothes were here. Calum stood up to stop you from leaving, "please babe don't go." He said as he tried to pull your bag out of your hands "Calum stop, I've made up my mind, just please don't make this harder than it already is." You said trying not to look up at him because you know you would've changed your mind. 

You walked out bedroom and to the garage, you threw your bag in the front seat and watched as Calum stood at the front door you saw the pain in his eyes, you knew this was harder for him than it was for you but you had to do it otherwise he was never going to be honest with you. 

You pulled out of the garage and drove off, the drive home felt like forever but once you finally got home your mum greeted you at the door, you called her on your way back home and told her that you and Calum were taking a break for a bit, you didn't explain the exact reason why because you didn't want your mum to worry, you just told her that you got into an argument and you thought it was best if you two just took a break from each other until you both sorted out "things". She obviously welcomed you back home with open arms. 


You were in your room sitting on your bed, you had your knees to your chest, you couldn't help but let our a few tears, you didn't want to be away from Calum but you didn't know what else to do. Thinking about everything made you want to cry even more, you let your tears stream down harder, your sobs got louder, you just wanted to forget Calum, you wish you never met him so you wouldn't be feeling this pain right now. You mum must've heard you because she knocked on your bedroom door, "not now mum please." You said hoping she would just leave. Instead she opened your bedroom door and walked inside, "Aw my baby, why are you crying." She said as she walked over to your side and sat on the edge of your bed next to you and placed her hand on your cheek wiping away the tears. "Mum, please." you cried. "Baby, I don't want to see you cry." You gave in and wrapped your arms around her clinging onto her tightly, "He's lying to me mum." You cried more. "Who? Calum? Calum's a nice guy baby, he wouldn't do that." She tried to console you. "But he is mum, he is a nice guy but he's just not being completely honest with me with some things and I don't wanna live like that, I don't know what to do anymore." You cried into her hold. "Everything's going to be okay baby, just give him some time, he will explain everything soon, he doesn't want to lose you, trust me I can tell how much you both love each other." "You promise mum?" "Yes baby, I promise." She said as you kept a hold of you letting you let out your pain.

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