Vanserra Brother: Avery

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Prompt: The High Lord Meeting and another mate reveal.

(This name is actually not an original I found it on Tumblr and I'm currently searching for the name of the profile so I can give them credit!)

You were seated next to your ex if that's even what you could call him.

You were together for two months at most before he left you for your sister but I guess it was a blessing in disguise.

Because you met your mate a week after Avery the 4th Vanserra son the brothers in front of him being Eris and Scylass.

You first met under the mountain, well you shouldn't say met more like glared at each other from different sides of the room.

You finally spoke to each other after you were caught passing through his court.

In order to transfer some information to Spring for Feyre and Rhysand.

And what happened from there on would forever be engraved in your mind.


"If I had known we could bring plus ones I would have brought someone else with me"

You struggled not to sneer at your soon to be father-in-law.

Feyre took strong notice of how calm you were, way to calm.

You were seated next to Cassian, and she was pretty sure something had been going on with you two but didn't press.

Not to mention Beron and his posse were basically eyeing you except one and that was Eris, he to seemed intrigued by your reaction.


You held Beron's stare not even flinching but Avery made sure to speak calm soothing words down the bond just in case a wave of anxiety hit.

Helion seemed to take notice of your inability to meet the 4th sons gaze and leaned back seemingly ready for shit to hit the fan.

Beron took one glance at them then back to you but never turned to face his son only let amusement take over his features.


He muttered just loud enough for the others to hear and look on curiously.

"It seems not only my estranged son has found his mate"

Avery snarled like he had when he first entered the room but it was now full of feral, cold, anger that made everyone feel slightly on edge.

Beron shifted on his seat just enough to see his son clearly a cruel look on his face.

"Why so secretive, too scared to share?"

Your mate looked at him with cold eyes that mirrored his father and you could see his mother flinch staring blankly at two.

"Touch her and I'll make sure you don't have the hands to do it again."

A lethal silence followed, the air was tense and everyone was now on edge.

Avery still never broke his father gaze and even Beron seemed to have lost his footing for a moment shocked that his son had the nerve to speak to him like that.


You finally spoke keeping your voice light and free of any of the things you were feeling whether it was your own emotions or his that thundered down the bond.

You met his eyes and silently reassured him.

'It's not worth it Avery he only wants a reaction from you do not let him get it'

His gaze finally shifted away but his stiff posture never changed he eyed everyone of the High Lords letting them linger for moments longer on his father.

"I'm sure you have more important things to discuss"

Rhysand snapped out of it first and spoke redirecting the conversation completely you could feel Feyre outside your mind but made no move to let her in or her own mate.

It wasn't long before Cassian spoke you could have dreaded this moment more.

(Sorry I just really wanted to throw this in here it's also from Tumblr ;) )

With his every word directed at Avery he smirked.

"When you fuck her, have you ever noticed the little noise she makes right before she cums?"

You didn't know what to expect from your mate but as you glance over you saw only amusement dance in his eyes.

"yeah it's my name"

Helion across from you openly chuckled followed by Rhysand until Feyre gave him a sharp nudge.

Her glare at Cassian was enough to tell him to keep his mouth shut.

He had crossed the line and Beron was on cloud nine all to happy to see if his son would lash out and display his true Vanserra side.

But few people in that room knew better like Eris did, Avery would never even think about lashing out on anyone in your presence.

No matter how horrible of a person so he wasn't surprised when Avery laid a hand on the table like debating whether or not to attack his father.

Eris wasn't not surprised at that act of warning no but at the burned sleeve of his jacket.

Avery had burned it in his attempt keep himself under control.

The Lady of the Autumn Court set her hand on his shoulder surprisingly and gently as if afraid of her own son.

Avery had told you all about his mother.

The way she had broken under Beron's control and the way she still found ways to tick him off just to remind him that she wasn't some mindless bride.

But Avery also told you of his brothers plan to free her and to kill off their demon of a father.

You trusted Avery fully with your life and respected all of his choices but trying to kill his father scared the hell out of you.

You still remembered the night before and his warning.


"He's impulsive y/n and acts without thinking"

He muttered into the air, his head was tilted back in the bathtub as you ran your soapy hands through his hair.

"I know- you know this isn't fair right?"

He hummed in a questioning tone waiting for you to respond.

"There is absolutely no way you should have better hair then me"

You said in a serious tone and he chuckled and grinned at you.

"It runs in the family"

Avery paused to sigh as you ran your nails down a particularly sensitive spot on his scalp.

"But I want our kids to have your hair it's softer than mine."

Your heartbeat quickened and your fingers froze.

"You want to have a kid with me?"

He opened his eyes again to stare up at the ceiling.

"Kids plural, and yes I want to have kids with you"

He said it in such a nonchalant manner that you had to check if you heard correctly.

You leaned forward to kiss his jaw just as he said.

"I hope they have your eyes too"


'What is she to you?'

Rhysand asked invading the redheads mind and Avery turned to face him eyes full of emotion not all of it his own.

"She's my everything"

He spoke out loud not caring who was watching.

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