Chapter 28 - The Mask

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"I can't believe we let him slip right through our fingers..." Jacob found himself muttering as he continued their search of the home, "We should have at least unmasked him right away. Then I would know for certain whether or not I'm right." He continued to try to look for clues, but he found himself unable to focus on looking for something he knew he wouldn't find. He turned a corner into one of the other rooms and bumped right into Cat, as he had been too caught up in his thoughts, and she was listening to music.

"Oh, hey!" she said surprised, "Didn't hear you coming..." She pulled one of her earbuds out and glanced at him as she continued searching the room. Jacob felt a little awkward having just walked into her, but continued his search.

"You know, I haven't really stopped to ask this ever, but how are you holding up?" he asked, making idle chatter. She shrugged and didn't say anything. "I realize we've been through a lot, but you and Mal are doing great, especially for how little you know about this story. I just wanted to make sure you're still the same Cat that I know," he continued. They both sat for a moment without speaking. Jacob wasn't exactly sure where he had been going with that monologue, but Cat finally sighed, turned to him and spoke her mind.

"You know, before we were travelers, I did absolutely love different places, but this... This is something completely different," she started, "It's more than just a different place. It's a whole different life. I mean just think of all we've been through. You nearly died the first time we traveled, and still you were the one who invited us all to try again. Then, it was you who fought an entire camp of centaurs just so we could escape. You faced off against every enemy so far with confidence and pride. How do you do that?"

"Well, I have something to fight for," he told her, meeting her stare, "I fight for my friends. You remember when we were first ambushed by orcs, way back when we barely knew what a traveler was. It seems like a lifetime ago, but I carried you when you couldn't walk. I fought when you and Mal couldn't. I don't give up on my friends... I don't give in to fear, because I have you to give me courage. I have you and God. I believe that even in these stories he's the one in control. I know we'll make it home again, and I'm pretty sure we're gonna have a great time doing it. So when I say I fight for my friends, I can tell you this: I fought my way to the grave's edge back in Middle Earth, but I believe that if I die defending what is right, I know it would be worth it. It isn't a matter of not having fear, but it's a matter of being brave. One cannot be brave who has no fear." As he finished, Adrian walked into the room. A dark look shot across his face, and he turned, storming out of the room.

"What was that?" Cat asked. Jacob didn't answer right away, but then explained his poor timing. That exact phrase with which he had finished his little speech had been the phrase on the calling card that had been on his mother's body. He stood and followed Adrian out the room trying to explain why he had used that specific phrase. He had to admit to it might have been a poor choice of words considering the present company, but he actually found it somewhat inspiring.

He caught up with Adrian and walked with him. "How do you know that phrase?" Adrian asked with an edge to his tone. Jacob explained that he knew about Adrian's mother, Lady Indomitable, and why he had used the phrase.

"As intimidating as I think it was meant to sound, it actually inspires me," he explained, "Because if one cannot be brave who has no fear, then one who has fear has the opportunity to be brave. If a hero had no fear, then they couldn't be inspiring because they couldn't truly be brave. Your mother still inspires people today because she did have fears, just like every other person. I think of that quote, one cannot be brave who has no fear, whenever I do fear something, and I know that it only means that I can be brave there and then. Don't fear it, use it." Adrian seemed to understand, but still he was clearly reminded of his mother. He quietly strode away, and Jacob went back to his searching. He wasn't sure where Adrian was going, but he was sure he hadn't heard the last of it.

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