Chapter 21 - The Elf Prince

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Jacob was worried about what Legolas's arrival would mean, or what it would mean for him. He did have to admit, he was glad to be able to speak in Quenya to someone. He had started to get rusty. They journeyed farther into the forest accompanied by Legolas, still searching for the centaurs, though one part of their question had still been answered.

"So what brings you to the forest of Mirkwood?" Legolas asked as they walked further.

"I'm sorry, we haven't been honest with you," Cat told him, causing him to raise an eyebrow only the slightest bit, "This isn't Mirkwood. You are in another world, and this forest is known as the Forbidden Forest."

"One moment, Cat," Jacob interrupted, picking the elven arrow head from his pocket, "Is this your arrow head, Legolas?" The elf nodded. He didn't seem like he wished to waste words. Jacob glanced at Cat, and saw the same hope in her eyes that he had. If those that should be dead could still live, and she had received something that belonged to Drinian, just as he had received something from the elf that stood before them... They seemed to have both come to the same conclusion. Now they just needed to find Drinian. It wasn't long after that when they heard the thundering of hooves, Legolas drew an arrow out of his quiver, ready for a battle, but then he saw the source of the sound and seemed unsure. The centaurs had found them.


Cat looked at the centaurs, wondering whether they would attack, or simply take them captive. It seemed it was a hunting party that had found them, as every one of them had a bow and arrow. Legolas seemed to tense up, ready to spring into action. Jacob hadn't gone for his wand yet, but she knew he definitely was a little trigger happy with his dueling talent. She would be able to transfigure, but that would leave the others in trouble, and she didn't want to know what Mal had felt like when she and Jacob had been caught in a trap along with Ryan and Drinian. She also didn't want to be the one to get there moments late, just as Mal had when Alex had them and he... The memory surfaced again, but it was cut off by one of the centaurs.

"You are expected, though this new member of your party is not known to us," he said in a gruff voice similar to that of the captain that Jacob had bested. She was surprised that they were expected to come, despite their previous clash before the holidays. The centaurs led them to a new camp, and before an older looking centaur.

"I am named Torren, and I ask what you have done to the stars," the gray haired beast said to them from a strange sitting position that made him about of equal height with the rest of them. As they watched, he stood and now towered over them. Cat didn't know what he meant by the stars, or them doing something with them. The centaur continued, "I read of your coming by the stars, but when we discovered you, the stars had already started disappearing. We originally thought this was some form of magic, thus my herd's eagerness to attack, but we found new stars, we found new prophecies, telling of another land, and telling of those that could move between them. You, travelers." Cat realized that he must have started reading Middle Earth's stars. That would explain a lot.

"Yes, that is why we're here. We need to know some way home, or some way to save this world," Cat told him, "Your people were one of the few that even recognized that we weren't from here. We need to find some way to stop this soon, even people are starting to bleed through." Torren didn't seem surprised by this, and motioned to one of the other centaurs. Only moments later, a familiar figure came walking towards them from across the camp. When Cat locked eyes with him, a smile spread across her face. "Drinian!" She whispered to herself. He saw her and smiled.

"Ah, little Hánna, it is good to see you. last I remember, that scum had us. I am glad to see you found your way out, but please tell me how I arrived here. These horse people tried to explain it, but they seem just as lost as I am," He said, then he rattled off question after question. The centaurs had taken his weapons, he obviously had been surprised to find himself in a strange place right after dying, and he must have arrived recently. Cat told him about the current situation, and Legolas greeted him with stern look, but the two seemed to bond through the look of battle in their eyes. Unfortunately, They couldn't return to the castle again while both Drinian and Legolas accompanied them. Cat realized this meant they would have to leave the two of them here. She had just gotten her friend back, she didn't want to lose him again.

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