Chapter 14 - The New Beginning

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Part 2 - A Magical Journey

Jacob was special. He was a Traveler, and he had already been on one adventure, but he found himself wanting more. He and three of his friends had accidentally ended up in the world of Middle Earth and they had gone on a long quest to save the land from a problem that they had caused, and it had been amazing. Now, he was back in his own world, and he was bored out of his mind. If you've fought hordes of orcs in real life, then no challenges compared to it. Jacob had invited the others over once more in order to attempt to travel to that world once again, and all of them except Vince had agreed. Vince had been the one who hadn't had such a great experience with story traveling. He had become the villain, and he didn't want that to happen again, or at least that had been his excuse.

Once again, just like last time, the doorbell rang. He opened it and smiled, saying, "Come on in, guys." Mal and Cat entered together and looked around. They must have been looking for Vince, and they wouldn't find him. He answered their question before they asked it, "Vince isn't coming, so I invited someone else." The bell rang once more, and Jacob opened it. There stood a guy about a year older than any of them, with brown hair at a medium length, glasses, and he was wearing a casual pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. "Hey man. I'm glad you could make it. This is Mal and Cat, guys this is Richard, one of my two Sophomore friends." He said to them glancing at Richard and shooting him a look that meant he didn't want Richard to mention that he recognized one of them.

"Nice to meet you both," He said, "But I already recognize one of you." Jacob looked at the floor and blushed a little. He had a massive crush on Cat and had mentioned it about twice to Richard, but it was enough for him to recognize her. Mal gave Jacob a look that looked like she was laughing inside.

"Let's head to the basement for now," Jacob said to the others, "You know the way Cat." They turned and headed down the stairs to the lower level, and rounding the corner came to the door. She opened and stepped through, vanishing. Mal and Richard followed, and finally Jacob disappeared down the stairway. They had traveled once again.


She remembered how it had gone the first time, and this time was not anything like it. Last time she was falling, but this time she wasn't blind but couldn't describe what she saw. It seemed like she was almost on a train. It seemed like the scenery was flying past at high speeds. Then she felt the solid ground under her feet, or what felt solid. It swayed back and forth a little, because, well, she was on a train. She noticed that she was sitting in a seat, looking out a window. Mal was on her right, and Jacob was immediately across from her in the small room. To his left sat Richard, looking confused. It was then that Mal took a huge gasp at what she saw. She stood, opened the doors to their cabin, and looked out.

"We aren't in The Lord of the Rings," She said closing the doors and sitting back down, almost bursting with excitement, "We're in Harry Potter!" Richard looked up, still looking around completely confused. Cat looked and saw that he seemed to be completely oblivious to his surroundings. While Mal was becoming extremely giddy about their upcoming adventure, Cat was slightly concerned about Richard.

"Can you see, Richard?" She asked him. He shook his head and said no. She realized that that must have been a side effect of first time traveling. Together they explained what was happening to him, and he seemed to understand and even like the idea of adventuring in stories. He was relieved to know that his blindness was temporary, and he seemed to have calmed down. Cat continued to look around and notice that the case above Jacob had a tag on it, a tag with her name on it. Next to her case was one labeled with Mal's name, and she guessed that above her were cases for the two boys.

She reached up and grabbed her case, and Mal did so as well after a few seconds. They opened their cases, and they found a folded robe, a week's worth of clothes, all the necessary school books for a Hogwarts first year, and a wand. The first thing Mal did was pick up the wand and inspect it. Cat realized that this meant they were wizards until they were done with this story. Mal reached over and locked the door to their cabin, and Cat realized why. She pulled her wand out and pointed it straight at the lock.

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