Chapter 22 - The Punishment

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"But professors-!" Jacob's protest was cut off when the window of the room they were in smashed inward, shattered by an arrow. When they all crowded around the broken window, they could see a shimmering group standing in a line at the edge of the forest. At their head stood a figure in green. Legolas. Jacob could see what had happened. He had seen them get marched back to a large castle and had assumed that they were now being held prisoners. Looking around, he noticed that many of the window in towers had been shattered. The elves in their golden and maroon armor marched forward, readying themselves for more close range combat. They were not prepared for what they were about to face. Either the elven hunting party was about to be decimated by the wizards that they were attacking, or those same wizards would underestimate the prowess of the elves. Either way, someone was going to be hurt. Drinian charged behind them, his weapons returned to him. Jacob rushed to the door, threw it open and ran down the hall. He could hear Mcgonagall calling out to him.

"Mr. Sessions, where do you think you are going?" she shouted into a now empty corridor. Jacob dashed as quickly as he could, shedding his robe as he ran down the hall. He loosened his tie as he ran down the hall, and drew his wand. He was as ready for a battle if he needed to be ready for one. He turned a corner and found himself face to face with Severus Snape.

"Going somewhere, Sessions?" He asked, his usual expression of dry clay on his face.

"Yes, I am trying to prevent anyone from being hurt, Professor. Whether it is students or the elves, and especially Drinian. I can't have him being injured again," Jacob told him, attempting to move around him. Snape blocked his path still, and Jacob was forced to take drastic measures. He took a step back to the nearest window, which had shattered like many of the others, he held up his wand to his throat cast Sonorus, the voice projecting spell, and called to the elves. "Legolas, elf prince, do not attack! Drinian, captain of Gondor, do not engage those within this castle! Turn-" his call for peace was cut short when Snape snatched him back from the window.

"I would suggest that you cease these activities, Mr. Sessions," he said. Finally, Jacob could hear the others catching up to him. He turned to see them, and Snape caught sight of them as well. He caught sight of Mal and Richard approaching as quickly as Jacob just had.


Cat had slipped into her cat form, which none of the professors had known she could do, as soon as they were out sight. She slipped down a side passage as saw Severus approaching the others. They were all stuck, but her. She slunk through the halls and down the tower, passing many students running, panicked, back to their common rooms. She arrived in the courtyard only minutes after she had left detention. Elves had somehow managed to take it, and were holding it, preventing even the professors from entering. She crept past them, they didn't suspect that the feline slinking through the hall was actually her. It was then that she spotted Drinian, Legolas, and another elf standing around the fountain in the courtyard. They quietly discussed strategy, plans, and their attack. Drinian had been in many a battle during the third age of Middle Earth, she knew, but there was nothing that could prepare them for what they were up against. She crept across the courtyard, when suddenly Legolas turned and drew an arrow. He held his fire, but called to her.

"You are no natural creature, feline. I can see the soul in your eyes," he said to her. upon this, Cat transformed back and Drinian and Legolas relaxed. Drinian approached har and gave her a short embrace. His armor was cold to her skin, but she could feel warmth coming from the man who had been like a second father to her for several months during her last journey. He was alive, she was sure of that now. They seperated and Drinian explained to the other elf, apparently the leader of the soldiers, who she was. He introduced himself as Haldir. Cat felt some memory stir about him. He had died at the battle for Helm's Deep. Legolas had been there he didn't seem at all concerned by that fact though.

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