Sami Zayn #49

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"Can I be honest with you?" Sami whispered, his head resting on top of mine.

"Of course."

A soft kiss was placed to the top of my head before he spoke again. "I don't want to be cheesy or anything, but genuinely I can't imagine life without you, I feel like you've always been a part of my life."

"That isn't cheesy at all."


I reached up and kissed his cheek, grazing the skin with my thumb. "No, because I feel the exact same way, I guess that's what love does to you."

"I try so hard to remember a time when you weren't the first person I go to for advice, or ring when I've got good news, but I can't, life before you has just become an empty memory."

A light blush fell on his cheeks, hidden slightly by the stubble coming through.

"I didn't realise I had that affect on you." I chuckled.

"You do. And I know I don't tell you enough, but you've changed my life, shown me love, and made me who I am today."

"I'm glad you felt like you could be honest with me," I whispered, settling back down on his chest.

"It's all because of you, I love you."

"Love you more," I smiled, drifting sweetly to sleep.

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