Adam Cole #4

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"How long have you two been together now?" Kyle asked across the room. I stared at Adam, testing to see him response.

"Five years?" He looked at me for clarification, which I nodded. He proudly smiled making me chuckle, "the best five years of my life."

Behind me I could hear Bobby making wretch-like noises. "Jealous?" I asked, silencing him quickly. He smirked, sitting down beside me.

"Oh yeah, I'd love to wake up to his ugly mug every morning." Everyone laughed, aside from Adam, who looked at his best friend in disgust.

I offered Adam a sympathetic smile, knowing full well that when these lads were on form there was no comeback for it.

"Don't you think it's about time you put a ring on it mate in all seriousness, five years is a long time?" Kyle asked.

Adam froze, eyes wide in hesitation.

"There's no rush," I quickly interjected, "we're happy how we are at the moment, married or not."

Of course, the thought of a wedding always seemed nice, but Adam meant far too much to me to jeopardize my dreams of a day all about our love.

"Maybe one day," he added, drifting back into the conversation, "whatever will be, will be."

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