Seth Rollins #30

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"Where is she!"

Instantly I recognised his voice, the familiar tone of Seth ringing through my ears.

The door swung open, the doctor smiling weakly as Seth appeared, hand reaching straight for mine.

"Hi," I chuckled, our fingers intertwining, his hand squeezing mine gently.

"You gave me such a scare," I chuckled, watching as his eyes fell on my other arm, worry etched across his face. "Does it hurt?"

I shook my head, despite still being too frightened to move it. "It did before they, know, popped it back in."

"Can't take you anywhere these days." I nodded in agreement, feeling his lips press to the top of my head.

"She'll be free to head home in a while once we've made sure those painkillers have kicked in."

"Home? Shouldn't she be going to the hospital or something?"

I adored that he cared, even though sometimes, it was a little too much.

"Love, I'm not going to hospital, I promise you I am absolutely fine." I smiled assuringly at him, "plus, I've got you to look after me at home."

"Trust me, I won't be letting you out of me sight for awhile."

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