Seth Rollins #18

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"Hello?" I grumbled into the phone, rubbing the sleep out of my tired eyes. I glanced at the clock, taking note of the fact it was already three in the morning.

"Babe...I need y-your help." I sighed, listening to Seth slur his words on the other end of the line. "I had beers, and beers."

As much as I wanted to be angry, he sounded adorable, telling his mates to be quiet so he could hear what I was saying. "What help do you need Seth?"

"Pretty please come and pick me up." Before he finished his sentence my legs were on the cold floor, grabbing any pair of shoes I could find. "Coming?"

"I'm coming, just wait outside the pub and I'll be there as quickly as possible." The cold morning air hit me hard as I got into the car. "Stay on the phone with me whilst I drive so I know you're alright, you and alcohol are never a good mix at the best of times."

The pub was only a couple of minutes away, and there he stood at the edge of the curb, climbing straight in. "Hi," he mumbled. I could tell just by looking at him he was very drunk.

"Come on, lets just get you home."

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