Nikki Cross #9

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Her eyes looked up at me, bright and wide. The night sky reflected beautifully on the orbs which carried so much love.

Her smile was present, her dimples clear, corners turned up high, filled with pride.

Her hair was a little messy, it had been a tough day of work, but each knot told a story of the day we shared.

Her hand rested in mine, squeezing it tight, her skin slightly callous, a sign of the times.

Her clothes were simple, just like her, but simplicity was gorgeous, it was only fair.

Her words were soft, whispers in the night, every sound so clear, deep in the night.

"When I look into your eyes, all I see is stars," she whispered, her heart beating loud, eyes still staring, smile still wide.

Her tiptoes were straining, a few inches between, reaching up for that sweet kiss, a blissful dream.

The sky was setting, darkness arose, the stars a plenty, guiding us home.

Home was where the heart is, where both of us lay, her head right beside me, where she still stay.

Her eyes fell softly, her breath heavy, hand under pillow, safely settled, at home.

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