MBTI Compatibility pt.3

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What's the evidence about MBTI compatibility?

Research has shown that having two personality types in common may make for the best combinations. Specifically, if you and your partner are the same in sensing/judging (ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ) or intuition/feeling (ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ), there's a greater than 70 percent chance of compatibility. The way your potential partner approaches the world and communicates (similar in sensing/intuition) is another good indicator of initial attraction.
On the other side of the spectrum, differences in extroversion/introversion may cause the most conflict in long-term relationships. Opposites in this dimension may really enjoy each other in the beginning, but over the long haul, the stay-home-vs.-go-out debate can result in repeated friction.

A (potential) good Myers-Briggs matchup.

If your type includes intuitive, feeling, and perceiving (ENFP and INFP-adaptable, curious, and interested in supportive relationships), there's a good chance you'll match well with someone who's sensing, feeling, and judging (ESFJ and ISFJ-conscientious, concerned about meeting the needs of others, preferring harmony).

A few problematic Myers-Briggs pairs.

As an ESFJ, loyalty and commitment are paramount. Matched with an ISTP (logical thinker, less interpersonally oriented), roadblocks in relationships may center around the ESFJ's need to be needed (since from the ISTP's perspective, that's an indicator of insecurity and a big turnoff).

n a similar vein, an INFP is often all about personal values. When their partner is in tune with those values, everything's golden. But an ESTJ (practically oriented with clear logical standards) might pose a problem by needing to be right, prompting a stand-off between values and standards.
Overall, some overlap in MBTI type may help ease the way, but before you narrow your search to the "best" type match for you, remember that mutual respect, good communication, common interests, and a strong friendship are still the best predictors of a successful relationship.

After analyzing 5 different sources this is what I came up with:

The number indicates the number of sources that suggested the particular match.

Also I have a question, "which type do you think you can connect really good with?"

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