Famous people

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Theresa May - Prime Minister of the UK.

Condoleeza Rice - U.S. Secretary of State

Michelle Obama - First African-American woman who served as First Lady of the United States of America.

Saddam Hussein - Dictator of Iraq.


George Washington - First President of the United States of America.

Warren Buffett - Business investor.

Jeff Bezos - Founder of Amazon.

Sigmund Freud - Founder of psychoanalysis.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - President of the United States and Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II.

Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany.


Sir Winston Churchill - Prime Minister of the UK.

Theodore Roosevelt - President of the United States.

John F. Kennedy - President of the United States.

Donald Trump - President of the United States.

Malcolm X - Civil rights activist.

Ernest Hemingway - Notable author (‘The Sun Also Rises’, ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, etc).

Arthur Conan Doyle - Notable author (‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’).

L. Ron Hubbard - Most prolific author in recorded history; founder of Scientology.

Marquis de Sade - Notable author and philosopher.

Al Capone - Gangster.


Bruce Lee - Martial artist.

Steve Jobs - Founder of Apple.

Vladimir Putin - President of Russia.

Dalai Lama XIV - Current head of Tibetan Buddhism.


Pope Francis - Current Pope of the Catholic church and sovereign head of Vatican City.

Harry Truman - President of the United States.

Gerald Ford - President of the United States.


Mother Theresa - Catholic nun and religious activist.

Rosa Parks - Civil rights activist.

Heinrich Himmler - Minister of the Interior in Nazi Germany during World War II.


Michelangelo - Notable painter.

Bill Clinton - President of the United States.

Eva Braun - Lover of Adolf Hitler.

Anton LaVey - Founder of the Church of Satan.


Nero - Emperor of Rome.

Rudolf Hess - Deputy Fuhrer in Nazi Germany.


Margaret Thatcher - Prime Minister of the UK.

Carl Sagan - Astrophysicist and science popularizer.

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