Shorter Days

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Tanner walked me down stairs. I adjusted my hair out of my face, and met faces with everyone sitting in the small house. The little booth dinner lit up with dilate as I walked over. Bella ran out to grab me avoiding my arm as much as possible as she grabbed me in a tight hug. I fell into comfort. Smiling with watery eyes, she pulled away.

"See!" She turns to Lyndsey, "I told you she wouldn't die!" My head snapped back. Die?

"Well she was out for a good few days, how could I know!?" She laughed.

Hayden's mom threw her arms at me, grabbing my bandaged arm and sitting me down on the bench, "You still need rest, here let me get you some pain killers," she walked over to the kitchen and threw open her cabinets. I looked around at the table, everyone was eating eggs and bacon. Hayden threw me a smile, food stained across his teeth. Bella slid back into the booth and handed me a glass of water with the pain meds.

I gulped them down, they tasted like chalk. Tanner grabbed the wooden seat not far from the table and sat down. We all looked at each other for a while, "So whats the plan guys?" I chime in. Everyone exchanged glances of confusion and question.

What is next? What do we do?

"Lay low... try to live normal lives..." Lyndsey says as she takes a bite of her eggs,"We can't do anything...where teenagers with little training of our powers. That guy is still out there working for the government. So there probably on our tail," She glances over at Hayden,"Pun intended,"

He leans back crossing his arms with a smirk. Bella then chimes in,"I have no idea where my family is..." We all look to her.

"After I moved here I just forgot about them..." Her eyes formed into tears, "What if they where killed..." She catches her tears with her hands, having zero control. I reach my arm around her and comfort her.

"Hey its gonna be okay..."

"We need to stay here..." Lyndsey says, "Thats our best option..."

BOOM. Final finished!!!!!! AYAYAYAYYAYAYAA.!!! I already have an Idea for my next book on its way. You like sci fi get ready.

Thank you all who have been with me since the start, hopefully you have seen my improvement through writing this, I certainly have. Those of you who like my writing, what do you want to see more of from me. Im always improving and looking for new ideas so what do you guys recommend?

UPDATE ~ new book just up!! It's called Stars Aligned go check it out on my account!!!

Your dearest - Kate <3

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