Into the end

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     My hands are risen above my head as I sit in the clear box as I gasp for breath. The wet rivers streaming down my cheeks began to slow down. As I accepted defeat.

      "She's still not waking up..." tanner says emotionless. Hannah has rested in a chair for the past hour as I watch my sister die in front of me. He grabs her hand and looks for any sense for her heart, "She's alive...but she's dying..."

     Tanner turns towards his father, "We need to call in the med-"

     "NO!" The large man snapped. "We have talked about this..." he said stepping away.

     "Well why not?"

     His father took a deep breath and leaned back onto his desk, "Hannah's disease can't be cured through natural means, medicine, or any herb..." he took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

     "I never told Hannah as a child she had a disease...I was afraid... and I didn't want that..." He pulled away looking more towards Tanner, "So I founded this school, to help her specifically and other kids with diseases like her, but then the government found out how we conducted the science, how we where able to change molecular dna... and they took over...started bringing students that system didn't need this formula!" The large man slammed his hands into the desk.

     "The first incident happened... the system made him go mad, he was a good kid besides that, we where forced to kill him...unfortunately the family found out, and they went into hiding..."

     "The day I told Hannah that she had to move buildings was because it was time that her ability to hold off the disease was wearing off, she ran back to her building and cried for hours, that morning I could still see the tears on her face when they came to pick her up, that was the first time she had ever had true friends after being alone and homeschooled for so manny years, she didn't want to leave them..."

     The day Hannah moved building was the day she warned me about the school. I took a deep breath and watched as they continued to talk, Tanner would always ever so slightly look at me out of his eye. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. His face gave a strange emotionless face, yet his eyes filled with guilt and shame.

     Suddenly the alarm on the large desk begun to ring, red lights lined the cracks of the large door at the front of the room. Tanner teleported to the window and pealed open the large red curtain. His eyes filled with fear as a large shadow grew over him.  Suddenly the window shattered.

     Tanner quickly teleported across the room, standing firmly in front of his sister. His father reached grabbed the gun out of his pocket pointing it towards the large beast. I pulled myself towards the back of the box, "Hayden?" I squint my eyes open.

There in front of my eyes the large wolf stood defending me in front of the box, it's shaggy brown fur blowing in the strong wind from the window. Suddenly jumping off of the furr, the freckled face girl launched at the box with a butterknife. My mouth went from a happy smile to a fearful shock.

"WAIT BELLA NO!" She struck the box hard and the knife flew out of her hands bouncing against a wall.

She fell back against the dog, and laughed ironically. I smirked and yelled, "You thought that would work?"

"Hey it was worth a try!" She kept laughing. But she was cut off my a large boom. And suddenly I saw the brown haired ponytail leap behind the giant. Helping Bella off the floor.

     "Lindsey! I- I'm so sorry! I-"

     "It's fine Taylor...your our friend it's only natural we help you!"

——-> Hi guys! Is Kate here! Sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to let you know that I'm gonna finish this! Working on the last part soon!

I wanted to let you all know that I'm working on different things right now! And I've wanted to do more fantasy oriented stuff, I have a main plot off my story but I want to here your guys opinion? What should I write! Let me know in the comments!

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