The First day

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We woke up the next morning at exactly 6:00. Lyndsey however did not. She tossed around when we tried to wake her. When we finally got her up.Then we all broke off.

I brushed my teeth, then went to change. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a red hoodie. I slipped a pair of covers on, and walk into the bathroom. There I found Bella putting on more makeup that she herself probably could handle, "Why so much makeup?" I ask as I walk in.

"You've got to be kidding me right! This is not a lot!" She says in shock, "Honestly I wore makeup yesterday," she said a little offended. She was putting on a concealer under one of her eyes. I lean over to see the other one, she blocks it with her hand, "What are you doing?" She said a little annoyed.

"What! I was just looking at your makeup...." I say being honest. She had only done half of her concealer. She slowly moved her hand away from her eye. I notice the dark bag under it, "didn't get much sleep....?" I ask

"Yeah," she says turning away, "I was up all night thinking about what will happen in a few hours."

The pain that I felt repeated in my head again. More than last time. It only lasted for a few seconds though. Bella continued to do her makeup. I watched her the whole time, I never did makeup because my mom always thought it attracted the attention of boys to you more, she didn't want that. Also I was always to tired in the morning to get out of bed, I never had the time to do it before school.

"You don't do makeup often do you?" She asked as I watched her.

"Nope, never get the time! I only do it for like fancy dinners," I responded. I walked over to the other mirror and started doing my hair. It was always hard to brush through the curls. I end up just leaving it down. Then Haley comes into the bathroom,

"Girls we gotta go!" She calls out to us. I quickly glance at the clock.

"See you in a minute," I turned back to Bella who was putting away her makeup.

I then teleport out of the bathroom. I was suddenly standing next to Lyndsey. Who covering her hands over her mouth. Then I notice that Hannah was gone. I look back at Lyndsey who was now crying. I could tell that the more she read people's minds the more sad her life got. She would constantly talk to Hannah about something or try to tell me that 'it was going to be ok, there not going to kill your sister,' It was messing up her life.

"What happened?" Riley said as we all started to leave the room. She looked over at Lyndsey. Who was wiping up her tears.

"They took her, she will meet us back in Reading." She stoped, "that's what the man told me,"

There was a silence as we walked. I herd Bella whisper, "That's one down, what if I'm next?" She asked me as we walked. She was about to cry.

"It will be ok, it only hurts for a second." I whisper rubbing her solder.

"Oh goodness, I'm complaining about getting a shot......your not 3 Bella..." she whispers to herself.

When we walk outside a set of big doors. My lunges filled with the outside air that I needed. The felling felt that I felt when I left school the day that the Mr. Rouge and Tanner came to send Mia off. We walked down a long path that lead us into building 3-A. The first thing I saw when I walked in was a nice lounge room, it had big windows and lots of couches and tables. When you looked up you saw two more floors, lined with kids walking up and down the circular stairs in the center of the circular shaped building. In front of the circular stairs was a desk. We walked over to the desk to find a nice lady working on some papers.

"Excuse me?" Haley said as the woman looked up, "We are trying to find the lunch room, would you happen to know we're in is?" The woman happily pointed to back of the building to a hallway.

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