Slow movements

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I stood softly leaning my back against the white wall, listing to the soft words being spoken on the other side. The door next to me was slightly cracked open into large office, the color a soft brown, with two large windows on ether side of the large desk. The man behind it had a sinister look.

Mia spoke softly, "I just wanted to see her..."

The man sighed, "You and your sister cause quite the trouble here..."

Mia was silent. You could hear a mouse run across the floor. I tried to calm myself down, not knowing what his next move was.

"Mia, if you wanted to see your sister you should have waited till day time to ask me if we can go and visit..." A younger woman spoke, her soft voice repeated in my ears.

Mia was silent again, "I-I know..."

I could hear a drop hit the desk, then I herd more. Her eyes filled with tears, but she sat still. My hands were shaking, I wanted to run in there and pull my sister away. I wanted so badly to leave. Then her voice spoke again.

"Our... mother... Sir..." She paused, taking in a large breath, "She's-"

The door slammed next to me. And no more words left the room. I fell against the wall, holding my eyes, I let tears run, not even holding them back. I pulled my face close to my nee's.

I sat there for five minutes. Just crying. Then I herd footsteps. I jolted my head up looking down the hall, to see Hayden standing there, not ten feet away.

"Oh.... Hey..." I looked up at him. The awkwardness built a wall in between us.

"Hey... Is everything okay?" He spoke softly.

I let another tear fall, "No..." I took a deep breath, "It's not..."

He put his hands inside the pockets of his black pants. Looked away slightly, looking for anyone  else standing in the hall. He turned back to me, he slowly moved closer, "Can I sit?" He said shrugging.

I nodded a bit, shrugging, "Sure..."

He slowly moved closer, setting him self down next to me as I scooted an inch away. We sat in silence a moment. We didn't meet eyes, and I moved over another inch.

"So what's wrong?" He asked quickly.

I took a deep breath in, "Um... something happened to my mom. I don't know what but and I'm scared."

"Huh..." He whispered under his breath. I looked over at him, "I can't tell you what happened or what they will do to your sister..."

He looked up at me, softly he reached and touched my hand, his fingers quickly intertwined with mine, "You can stay with me for as long as you want..."

I starred into his eyes, a feeling of protection falling over me.

HEY! It's Kea!



Sorry this is just a small little part I thought about after the last chapter, the next chapter will be out soon! Promise!


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