Its not your fault...

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The air was getting colder as we crept around the court yard during Saturday afternoon. It wasn't freezing, it still was burning hot, but you could tell fall was coming. I hugged the long sleeves on my crop top shirt, and shifted in my denim jeans.

I looked over at Lyndsey as we entered the sports center, "So who is playing today?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know all I know is that you need a date and there are lots of guys here," she said as we entered the building.

There was a football game today for my home town team, but we weren't aloud off campus for a month. Just so we could control and understand are powers some more before we go out in public and scare everyone away. Also the dance there was a dance this Friday, and still needed a date, so Lyndsey thought we could go to one of the football games here to find someone to go with, and to try and make up for missing the game.

Lyndsey was also the only one I told about the date thing, even though she would find out just from looking at me. She was really the only one I trusted right now, her and Hayden who I really am still a bit nervous about.

We walked along the bleachers into a seat, and messed around on are watches until the game started. What I noticed that there weren't many people, the seats were almost empty except for a few lingering kids every other section.

My attention was then grabbed by players entering the field. I was shocked when I spotted Hayden's brown hair creep out of the corner as he came in. Him and his other team members got into position, and another group of kids who I had never seen before entered the field, "So is it Ap vs Ap?" I looked over at Lyndsey.

"I guess so...." she said, "Any of them look cute to you?" She glanced over at me.

"Lyndsey!" I snapped back.

We watched the game for a while, then during half time, we got up to get a snack. I got some fry's and Lyndsey got a hot dog. When we got back half time was still not over, so I ate a few of my fry's and set them below my seat. After I put them down I was treated to a Hayden sitting next to me, "Oh! Gosh Hayden you scared me!" I said almost jumping out of my seat.

"Hahahaha," he laughed, "How are you girls? I could probably get you some free food?" He said.

"I think we're good, but hey your doing a pretty good job out there!" I smiled.

"Thanks! But uh I've got to get back so see you later!" He smiled and ran off.

I waved as he left and felt a little pain in my side, I looked over at Lyndsey, "You should ask him to the dance!" She whispered.

I felt myself blush a little, "I-I don't know, I've thought about it.... but I just don't think so..." I looked back at the game.

She started laughing, "Then just go as friends and tell everyone that your going as a date!"

I shrugged again, "I don't know Lyndsey..."

She had that look on her face, like she knew something I didn't.


"Oh nothing..." she said looking back at the game.

When the game finished Hayden came back up to talk to us, "Hey," he said catching up to us as he fallowed us out the building.

"Hey Hayden! You did good today!" I said turning to face him.

"I'll be right back!" She said racing over to a nearby ice cream stand. Leaving me and Hayden alone.

"Thanks..." he said a little mad.

"Are you mad because you didn't catch the last point?" I said sighing.

"If I only caught it we could have won the game!" He said with a low growl in his voice. I backed up slightly, knowing the last time it didn't end well.

He noticed and looked at me, "I'm sorry...sometime my AP just gets a little out of hand..." He looked down at the concrete.

"Hayden it's fine!" I said stepping closer, I could tell how ashamed he was.

"Thanks... but it's not..." he said.

"Hayden that's why we're here! We're here to learn how to control this!" I said grabbing his face pulling it up, my sleeve falling down in the process, exposing the scars he had left on my arm.

His vision moved from my face to my arm in almost a second, "Taylor... I don't understand how you can still talk to me after I did... that to you..."

I suddenly understood... he didn't mean for the fight to be that violent. His AP took over him and his mind, convincing him that this was more than a simple school fight.

"Hayden this was not your fault!" I said pulling my sleeve down.

"Yes it is Taylor.... I did that to you..." tears started to fall from his eyes.

"HAYDEN YOU LISTEN TO ME! That was not your fault! You did not mean to hurt me that bad! Stop telling yourself that!" I screamed almost crying now storming off after I said that, his eyes fallowing me and Lyndsey ran behind.

I opened the door to the room with so much force it almost cracked the walls. Lyndsey walked in a few minutes after me and found me sitting on my bed, going through the conversation that me and Hayden had last night, all the pain I know see coming out of the text that I never saw before. The pain that I should have noticed before...

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