You can stay

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The soft winter breeze blew past me, picking up a few strands of my hair. I shift in my jacket, as I rest my feet in an small pile of snow. I sat outside the main building on a small bench, constantly looking and glancing back up and down at the doors to my right.

I watched as the doors fling open and first came out a tall woman, and Mia fallowed. I quickly got up, stepping over to her then kneeling down in front of her. I grabbed her red cheeks, "Are you okay?"

She smiled and softly nods. I calmly allow myself to relax, pulling her in for a close hug. As I pull away, I stand to meet the lady's face, she calmly speaks,

"I've been instructed to take you ladies home, so if you would stay here for a moment while I fetch the car, that would be lovely!" She said before heading towards the parking lot.

Mia had walked over to the bench and sat down, I sat myself down next to her. Wrapping my arm around her, she laid her head on my chest.

After about a minute of silence she suddenly spoke, "Moms not well..." her face read fear and terror.

I met her eyes quickly, "How bad..." I saw a tear fall from her cheek, I quickly whipped it away, and she looked down at the bench.

She sighed, "She got shot in her her chest, after Da-" she quickly cut herself off. Another tear fell from her cheek.

I began to shake, "Mia! Tell me what happened!" I yelled at her.

Her tears began to fall harder, like rain picking up speed. And something clicked. I grabbed Mia's hand and stood up, sprinting back into the building.

The lady at the front desk stared at me as I ran inside, "We can not go home!" I said to the woman.

She came out of shock, and cleared her throughout, "I'm sorry miss but your mom has arranged for you to go home, there's nothing we can do, we have to send you."

Mia looked up at me as she shivered. I looked back up toward the desk, "I'd like to speak to Tanner please..."

She shook her head, "I'm sorry but he's on his way to the laboratory..."

"What..." I muttered from under my breath. What dose she mean? "okay well look, I cant let  my sister go home to a manic!"

She sighed, "okay we will let you stay for a couple more days but you have to leave by Christmas!" She pointed her finger strong and still.

I relaxed my shoulders, smiling. Now what is happening to Tanner.

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