Chapter 5

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It passed 2 months, 3 weeks and 6 days.... And I'm still here.Here with a cold hearted guy, filled with poison and vengeance. But.... I kinda got used to him.

S: Are you hungry?
H: H-huh?... U-Um... a little.
S: Here, eat this.

Sasuke gave me a bowl of rice and sushi. It wasn't too much but was okay.
H: Did you ate s-something?....
S: I'm the one who worries about myself. You, eat your food. Today we will practice taijutsu. And you need strength.

Almost 3 months of training....I didn't get too much sleep but at least now, thanks to him, I'm able to use ninjutsu perfectly. I must admit it. Even the weapons are like playing with toys... He taught me some things I guess.....

S: How are your clothes?
H: Um.... A-are okay.
S: No they are not. They are obviously torn and dirty. You can't wear them anymore.
H: It's okay... I can manage....
S: Wait here and eat.
H: Okay.... Is it weird that he's asking me different things about my health?... Well at least, I'm not that scared anymore...

I almost finished my food when Sasuke opened the door and dropped some clothes on the ground near my legs.

S:  Use these ones. It will be easier for you to train. I will wait outside. Don't take too much.
H: H-Hai!

I need to hurry up. He doesn't like to wait. I need to change these clothes. It's true... I can't wear them anymore. Too much training affected them. I can see my skin through it.Gosh...

Sate... let's see what clothes he brought me..I can see some blue pants and a shirt with a mesh. Well, at least they are clean and new .

 Well, at least they are clean and new

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H: Okay, I'm done!
S: Good. Let's begin then. So, your taijutsu: Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven,right?
H: Yes. A secret family taijutsu. It's a powerful technique and also a perfect defence.
S: I see. I saw you using it on those 4 mist guys.

Huh?! H-He saw what!? 

S: Now. You will use it as defensive class. I will attack you and you need to use it.Okay?
H: Hai! Speed, he taught me how to gather all the chakra I need in just few seconds.
S: Good. She's collecting her chakra really fast now. I will use my Katon, fire jutsu to see if she can handle it.

H: Eight Trigrams Palms technique!!
S: Dragon Fire Technique!!!

Good, my defence worked. His fire didn't even warmed me!

S: Hm... Not even a little sign of weakness. She starts to have self-confidence. *Lower tone*
H: *Yells* WELL? HOW WAS IT??
S: It was acceptable.

Only acceptable?? I thought ... oh well. I will give my best then!

*Both Sasuke and Hinata trained till the day ended*

[[Almost Midnight]]
H: One more try! Eight Trigrams Palms technique!!!
S: Aren't you tired? It's late...Great Fireball Technique!!!

Yes! I passed the fireballs technique! And now only remains...
S: Phoenix?
H: Yes!
S: Are you sure? Your chakra is almost gone.
H: Yes! I avoided all of them successful. Now the Phoenix is the last one that I want to pass!
S: Hm... her chakra is almost gone but she still wants to train.  Okay then. Prepare yourself and be careful. The phoenix is the most powerful fire technique.
H: Hai! okay.. the last one! I will make it! I will make it!!! Eight Triagrams Palms Technique!!!!!
S: Katon: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!!!!

They're coming! Spin, spin, spin....

S: H-HUH?! Her chakra is gone! Watch out!
H: Oh... no.. M-My... Chak...ra... *faints exhausted*
S: Water gun technique!!! I must stop the fireballs quick! Agh, damn!
*Sasuke managed to extinguish the fireballs except of 2.*

S: Hinata, wake up! I must stop those two until they burn her! WATER RELEASE:Water gun!....
S: Phew.... *runs near her body* ... Hey, are you okay?! *looks at her back shocked*.  They touched her skin! I must get her inside and bandage her back as quick as I can!*grabs Hinata in his arms and walks inside.* 

*Sasuke takes care of Hinata's wounds an bandages her*

S: Done. Now I will take her to bed. She need to rest. Today she gave her all. *takes her near the bed and puts her there*. She's exhausted. *Covers her*. *Sits near the bed*

Uh, damn. I shouldn't have listened to her.Phoenix fireball is a dangerous technique. *watches her face*. She progressed a lot... Still, she need to master all techniques.After that, she'll be prepared. Hm... why am I still here? I should go and rest too... Uh, but what if she's sick tonight? Wait, why should I care. I will leave her alone. She can handle. I need to re-

H: "S-Save... me..."
S: She's talking in her sleep....
H: "... Naruto....I..miss you.."

*Sasuke's eyes opened wide. He wasn't prepared to hear this.*

S: You won't be missing him for too long ....*caresses her forehead*

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