Midnight Blue

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Chapter 14

JANE: How was it?
JANE: Is it good?
ROXY: chill gurl
ROXY: im still chewin!!
JANE: Hurry up and swallow then!

Jane yelled, anxiously watching Roxy eat her cooking, staring at her for a while, waiting for her to say something. But she never did until Jane glared at her.

ROXY: ok ok u got no patience jane
ROXY: the cupcakes taste rad and the cake
ROXY: it tasted wonderful!
JANE: Really?
ROXY: yes duh
ROXY: do i look like im lying
ROXY: so now. . .
ROXY: that were done with the cupcakes
ROXY: can we go to my room and watch mean girls????

Jane sighed like a warm spring, soft and gentle. That sigh always made her friend smile because she knew that sigh meant " fine, i give up. " which meant she was finally going to come with her into her room just to watch that dumb girly girl movie. For. . .
18th time probably. No 17th. Wait, no, 18.
Ugh, whatever.

Roxy gave her a smile that was just so sweet and gentle -a lot like a kid would do when she'd finally gotten the toy that she wanted. It was nice, actually. Even though she was already sick of this movie, she should enjoy it and remind herself that she was hanging out with one of the greatest friends she had named Roxy, who constantly gave her great advice that she never thought would actually work.

Of course, that took into consideration how she was drinking alcohol most of the time. And you know what, this was fine. The boys were probably hanging out right now without or well, playing UNO, at least, which meant that they should be too!

Except for the UNO part. Whenever they'd play and she lost, they'd always dare her do stupid shit - such as drink something very disgusting like soy sauce and ketchup. God, that was gross. (please don't try that speaking from personal experience)

When Roxy finally opened the door, they saw the boys playing - speak of the Devil! - UNO in the living room. They were both sitting on the carpet and there were a bunch of cards placed on the table between them.

JANE: Hello there.
ROXY: ooo! daaamn jake is winnin!
JANE: That's great!
DIRK: Yeah, he is.
JAKE: For once im finally winnig! I mean winning!
JAKE: Isnt that fruity?
JAKE: Wait shit no not fruity. Wrong adjective.
ROXY: ha loser. whats the score
DIRK: 6-4.
ROXY: 4 isnt that bad
DIRK: I won six times.
JANE: Jake, why is your face so red?
JAKE: From all the yelling i suppose because ive been winning. Ha.
DIRK: And yeah, he's getting better at this game. And we wanted to spice things up so we stole some of your beer.
JANE: Oh god, that makes sense now.
JAKE: It wasnt that..
JAKE: That much?
JANE: You can't take your alcohol that well, Jake.
ROXY: wait whaaaaaaat
ROXY: u dick!
ROXY: how much beers did u take
DIRK: Just four. Two for him, two for me.
JAKE: See not that much!
ROXY: oh whatevs
ROXY: thats fine
JANE: Dirk, why aren't you drinking?
DIRK: He took my beers.
ROXY: lmaooo
JANE: Jake, I think that's enough beers for today.
JAKE: No i can handle this especially when im winning at uno.
ROXY: oh hush jane
ROXY: theyre having fun so dont even try being their mommy and ruin it
DIRK: Yeah, Jane.
DIRK: Not cool.
JAKE: Not cool.
DIRK: See? Even drunk Jake agrees with me.

Before Jane could even respond, Roxy quickly grabbed her arm and took her into her messy pink and purple theme room featuring multiple windows and stuffed toys on her large pretty pink bed. Her room had old aesthetic cool posters, mostly hot girls who were holding their cute cats. Said posters consisted of characters from either video games or anime (Jane suspected that was Dirk's influence). Since Roxy was a girly girl, people (including Jane) usually expected that her room would be full of cute cats, makeup and girly posters and most importantly, ORGANIZED but nope, you'd be mistaken. Her room was incredibly messy. God, just like Dirk. (But his room was way more messier than hers. Full of stupid posters hanging from the walls and don't even mention his huge ass tv and the smuppets that were scattered everywhere. Like EVERYWHERE. He owned a huge turntable which was not useless and actually looked cool but still looks stupid to Jane. He was rich but he was wasting his money on those things instead of buying normal clothes or a goddamn house.) Roxy's room was huge and she could probably just ask Dirk to make a huge bookshelf for her but no. Instead of doing that, her books were just hanging out in the corner. Like seriously, why?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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