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Chapter 2

ROXY: hey green boy!!
ROXY: hello!!
????: Er. Green boy?
ROXY: hey mr!
ROXY: janey didnt tell me that you got a cute ass ;)

Much to Roxy's delight this line earned her a blush from the brunette.
He was short, with pretty and glimmery green eyes framed by the thick lenses of his rectangular glasses.
His dark brown hair was ruffled, and in Roxy's opinion he actually kind of looked like Jane.

JANE: Roxy!
JANE: I'm sorry, Roxy just has a habit of. . . nevermind.
JANE: Jake, meet Roxy. She's my friend.
JANE: Yes, that's what I meant.
JANE: Roxy, this is Jake.
JAKE: English! Jake english.
ROXY: english?
ROXY: lmao thats a funny last name
JANE: Wait.
JANE: Roxy, where's Dirk?
ROXY: oh u kno..
JANE: Roxy.
ROXY: hes in his room
ROXY: as usual
ROXY: he doesnt wanna come out
ROXY: haha get it
JANE: . . .
JANE: Whatever you say, Roxy. I'll just leave you guys for now, I have to finish the cake. It's due on Friday.
JANE: Feel free to come in the kitchen and help me. :B
JAKE: Later, janey! Ill swing by when i unpack. Just give me a ring if you need me.

After Jakey said goodbye to Jane, she immediately grabbed his arm and sat him down on the couch.
He yelped lightly but was eager to make friends so he sat up pretty quickly, his hands together on his lap as he fidgeted a little.
Nervous, probably, Roxy thought,

ROXY: sooooo ;) *wiggles eyebrows*
JAKE: Is there a specific reason as to why you said that out loud, er, roxy was it?
ROXY: yep and dont worry bout it
ROXY: so why did u move here
ROXY: how did u guys meet
ROXY: is janey ur girlfriend???
ROXY: is that why ur moving here?!

There's nothin to be surprised about, janey is attractive, she might be chubby but she's adorable and no one can disagree with that. No one can and no one will. But it's kind of weird that Jane would be the first one who got in a relationship because she's, too.. scary. Even Dirk gets scared sometimes.

JAKE: Woah woah woah! Slow down a little there. Im not dating jane.
JAKE: Were the bestest of pals though! The chummiest of chums! Id say our friendship even rivals that of yours and the er. The guy in his room.
JAKE: I felt that a change of scenery would be nice so janey invited me here.
JAKE: Didnt realize we'd have neighbours!
JAKE: I mean no offense to you of course.
ROXY: lmao are u okay
ROXY: do u live on an island or somethin
ROXY: of course u will have neighbors!
ROXY: everyone in here have neighbors jakey
JAKE: Actually it might surprise you to find out i actually was living on an island
JAKE: Before things on my end got a tad pear-shaped that is.
ROXY: omg
ROXY: r u srs
ROXY: thats
ROXY: so
ROXY: fuckin
ROXY: rad dude!!
JAKE: Do you really think so?
ROXY: yes!! do i sound like im joking?
ROXY: thats fuckin AMAZING
ROXY: now i can brag to my friends i have a friend who used to live on an island
ROXY: so wat exactly do u do in there
ROXY: it must be pretty boring if ur the only one living there
ROXY: oh wait ur parents! god im dumb
JAKE: Oh er.
JAKE: Actually i live alone.
JAKE: I like exploring my island however! I tend to find loads of stuff that will leave you positively gobsmacked!
ROXY: :o
JAKE: Um, after i unpack that is.
ROXY: exploring?
ROXY: yes! i wanna see them later
ROXY: like srsly
ROXY: whatever shit u do on ur island sounds more fun than like
ROXY: idk
ROXY: bet dirk would love to see them too
ROXY: if he wasnt such a pussy

Jake cocked his head to the side, blinking in slight confusion.

JAKE: Dirk?
ROXY: yeah hes my uhhhhh
ROXY: partner in crime
ROXY: youll meet him soon trust me
ROXY: ill force him to come out
JAKE: Oh well i mean if hes antisocial i can completely understand!
JAKE: No point in forcing him out if he doesnt want to be out!
ROXY: oh i mean..
ROXY: well
ROXY: thats
ROXY: yeah maybe you can come visit us at home later
JAKE: That wouldnt make me too much of a bother now would it?
JAKE: I wouldnt want to interrupt you two.
ROXY: oh no no its fine
ROXY: i invited u so u dont have to worry bout it
ROXY: dirk would be so happy to see u

Roxy winked at the baffled Jake, nudging him in the ribs.
Seems like she knew something he didn't.
Roxy knew Dirk like the back of her hand and she sure as hell knew that Dirk would have to come out of his room sooner or later.
He was a reserved guy, that was for sure, but he could be pretty sweet in his own very fucked up and very backwards way.
All he needed was a little push in the right direction, and by right direction she meant Jake English!

JANE: Jake! Are you guys still talking? I kinda need your help now if that's okay!
JANE: Well, actually I just want you to accept the call but my hands are kind of full right now.

Jake jolted and Roxy almost dropped her glass. Jane's voice came from the kitchen along with the faint scent of cookies.

JAKE: Coming!

Jake turned rather apologetically to Roxy, getting up on his feet as she watched him, sinking even deeper into the couch.
ROXY: nah nah dont sweat it
ROXY: go help her or whatevs
ROXY: ill just hang here
ROXY: dont mind me

As Roxy shut her eyes, letting herself be enveloped into the warm cushions, she was heavily shocked at just how soft they were. Damn, how did Jane keep this shit so neat? Roxy was impressed. Her and Dirk's place looked like a stable!
Well, not that Dirk would complain about that.

ROXY: that son of a gun stinks
ROXY: doesnt wash his anime figurines after jackin off to em until the house smells like shit

Oh, well. Not that Roxy can do anything about it. She just wishes the guy went out more.

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