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Chapter 10

DIRK: I think we should stop.
JAKE: Are you off your trolley?
JAKE: Youd have to be either braindead or a complete twit to stop now!
JAKE: Just look at all these tickets! Stop being being so stroppy.
JAKE: Not a good look on you at all no-siree!
DIRK: Uh huh.
DIRK: Anyone ever tell you you talk too much, English?

Jake was already out of earshot when he said that though. This arcade was a whole new experience for Jake, considering the fact that his island didn't really have one. No, it definitely didn't have one. Or at least he hoped so, since if there was one on it and he just never noticed then by gum, he'd be positively cheesed off!

And then he saw it.

The fabled machine of the Gods, the bane of humanity and yet the second awakening of God Himself.
Dance Dance Revolution.
Jake nearly screamed. He didn't expect to see one here, and it was even better that nobody was there at the moment.
Somehow, Jake found his way back to the platinum blonde and grasped his arm with an iron grip. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Dirk raising an eyebrow as Jake started dragging him away to the DDR machine.

DIRK: Any special reason you feel the need to pull me around the arcade?
JAKE: Oh strider you are going to go absolutely bonkers when you see what i JUST found!

When they finally got there Jake let go of his arm and patted the side of the machine with a big, goofy grin plastered onto his face like he had just found something historical.

DIRK: Really.
DIRK: Dance Dance Revolution?

Dance Dance Revolution was the absolute finest game in the world! Just how on earth could this guy not be be excited about that? He should be happy that they even had this kind of thing in their mall! Jake only knew about this because of 'Youtube' and one of those shitty DDR Dance-Pads Jane had gotten him for his birthday (Thank you, Ms. Crocker!)
He'd always imagine himself dancing like a maniac to a very fast song - like Butterfly or 1998, for instance. Could you imagine that!
But, he digressed.
Now, he could actually do that! All while challenging Strider, nonetheless! To Jake, this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up!

JAKE: YES, dance dance revolution.
JAKE: Its a wonderful game strider.
DIRK: I am aware.
DIRK: I've played.
JAKE: Then hows about we have a little contest eh?

Jake wouldn't let his friend ruin his big day for him - actually, now that he thought about it, he kinda felt bad about exploring without him earlier since Dirk looked damned tired and stressed out because apparently , he had one hell of a time looking for him. It was rather strange when Dirk asked him about where he had been. It's been a long time since someone had actually given a shit about him getting lost and in Jake's opinion it was.. it was kind of cool. It was like someone really cared for you, you know?
Most of the time, Jake would've the one to find things! But this time, Jake was the thing, and Dirk was Jake.
Jake figured that underneath Strider's cool dude attitude he was a real swell guy!

Which gave him even more reason to become best buds with him! The greatest of pals! The chummiest of chums.

DIRK: Sure.
DIRK: You'll have to pay for our food later if you lose, though.
JAKE: You drive a hard bargain strider!

Jake extended his hand out for them to shake on, and after a moment of hesitation Dirk took it, shaking his hand firmly.
Dirk's hand was cold, he noted.

Jake hopped onto the machine's mini dancefloor with Dirk stepping onto the one next to him. Gripping the back of the bar handles, he inserted a game token in the slot.

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