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Chapter 1

DIRK: New roommate?
DIRK: Or her boyfriend?

Placing down his metal mallet, Dirk Strider rolled his shoulders back, relieving his sore muscles of discomfort before leaning forward over his desk again. His question was (probably) directed towards the pink eyed girl next to him, his deft movements tinkering out minor bumps in the piece of metal on his desk, swiveling around his chair to face her, an eyebrow raised.
Dirk was working on yet another mini-robot to place on his shelf of mini-robots, to add to his collection of mini-robots.
He's been gently reminded by Jane to "turn their volume down pretty please", which he did, but he can't seem to stop implementing speakers into them.
His fingers traced the shape of the metal figurine.

ROXY: janey?
ROXY: oh lmao
ROXY: idk

She shrugged, swirling the martini glass in her hand around. There was no actual alcohol in it, just some 'sparkling water' but she liked the aesthetic. Dirk didn't feel like questioning her about it. Too much work, he says.

ROXY: all i know is hes kinda cute
ROXY: and wears a lot of green
ROXY: and a dork like u
ROXY: maybe he can be ur friend
ROXY: or ur boyfriend
ROXY: ;) wonk

Dirk rolled his tangerine eyes, placing his focus back on the metal in front of him. He knew Roxy was only teasing but he couldn't help but feel slightly offended.
Drumming his fingers on the table, he leaned back in his spinning chair, redirecting his gaze back on Roxy.
A close friend of his, he viewed her as more of a sister than anything. He was aware of how she used to feel about him but he chose not to let that bother him.
He doesn't know why he's thinking about this now of all times but because he appears to have caught onto us reading into his thoughts, he decides to stop thinking about it.

DIRK: Or your boyfriend.
DIRK: Maybe you can finally seduce the guy and he'll actually say yes.

Roxy snorted, leaning back onto his desk and taking a swig from her martini glass of 'sparkling water.'
Maybe it isn't sparkling water, and it's actually alcohol, and you're making shit up in your head in a feeble attempt to believe Roxy is abstaining on the drinking. Dirk likes to trust her though. She didn't smell like alcohol either, so his trust was justified.
Before he could speak again, a loud clattering from the hallway and a string of swear words colourful enough to make a sailor blush.
Actually, Dirk was so impressed, he resolved to ask this guy about how he made those up on the spot.

JANE: Oh god dammit. Stop dropping the books!
????: Blast it! Im sorry janey! I swear im not usually this much of a blooming twit!
JANE: I don't care! Just stop dropping the books!!

Dirk folded his arms over his chest at the unfamiliar and vaguely accented voice coming from the hallway that connected his room to the others. The house he and Roxy lived in was connected right to where Jane lived, so he could generally hear just about everything going on on their side.

DIRK: He's not going to last a week if he's already making this much trouble for Jane.
ROXY: oh jane is just overreacting again
ROXY: thats her friend im sure he can handle it
DIRK: Right.
DIRK: You know, her being so organized might be the reason why she still doesn't have a boyfriend.
ROXY: or maybe she just
ROXY: idk
ROXY: doesnt want a boyfriend
DIRK: You'd like that, wouldn't you?

A pause, and Roxy promptly hit him (albeit rather lightly) on the side of the head with her free hand, his pointed shades rather lopsided on his face after the knock to his temple. He snorted softly, reaching up to adjust them and gently swatted her hand away.

DIRK: Ouch.
ROXY: ha :p

JANE: No, I told you I don't like it there!
JANE: Put it here. And then after that, you can go to the kitchen and eat the cookies that I made for you.
????: Well..okay! No objections to that!

ROXY: so when r u going to introduce yourself
ROXY: di stri ;)
DIRK: Do you actually expect me to do that?
DIRK: To leave the house and introduce myself to the... british one?
ROXY: dude
ROXY: theyre right next door
ROXY: just say hi
ROXY: nothing bads goin to happen to u!!
DIRK: I might die.
ROXY: ok drama queen
ROXY: its not that bad
ROXY: ive heard hes really sweet
DIRK: And apparently very eloquent, too.

Roxy sighed in disappointment.

ROXY: god y r u like this
DIRK: I can't believe you're asking me that.
ROXY: im goin to throw all your porn if u dont go
ROXY: u know ill do it

Dirk immediately froze at that. He slowly turned around to face Roxy, reaching his hands up to push his shades up his face,and stared at her in disbelief, his orange eyes squinted and his eyebrows bunched together in a frown.

DIRK: You wouldn't.
ROXY: what
ROXY: u think i cant do it
ROXY: i have a pussy but that doesn't mean i am one
DIRK: Bitch.

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