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Chapter 5

Jane Crocker's morning routine is fairly simple.
Wake up in the morning at 8:00, sharp, get dressed, cook breakfast for herself, Roxy, Dirk, and the idiot named , Jake, then go to work.
Simple enough, right? That was her original plan but now,lo and behold, it's all ruined! Gone to shit! Hurray!

And it's all because of a very big disaster waiting to happen named Jake English. Even Strider was still in his state of being a breathing corpse.
Usually Jane would expect better.

JANE: Jake! I believe I told you last night to finish unpacking your things in your room. Your boxes are still in my living room!
JANE: Roxy, why is Dirk still not here? Did he watch anime until 5 in the morning again?
ROXY: idk i was sleeping

This girl isn't helping her either. Well, not that she should expect it. Jane loved and cared about Roxy, she really did, but she seriously didn't think she could rely on her for much. Jane grumbled in frustration to herself as she placed eggs and bacon on their plates. This isn't really too rare of an occurrence to happen but she just couldn't control herself, what with Jake running around the house like a maniac and with Roxy just watching. Dirk sometimes helps but he's still sleeping (when he should be awake! He has a job too, Jane thinks to herself) and it's usually Roxy's job to wake him up but not this time apparently! This time she said,

ROXY: he kicked me out lol
ROXY: u should have seen his face
ROXY: he looks like shit
ROXY: shittier than b4 i mean
JAKE: You dont say?
JAKE: I mean he looked awfully nonchalant yesterday!
JAKE: Although to be fair he did look rather tired last night.

Jane quickly turned her attention towards Jake and narrowed her eyes.

JANE: Last night?
JANE: What happened last night, Jake?
JAKE: Oh not much actually.
JAKE: He fell asleep halfway through my story.
JAKE: His bed is comfortable though so i cant really blame him for conking out!
JANE: So you're the reason why Dirk is still asleep?
JANE: Actually, why were you even in his room?
JANE: I'm surprised he let you in considering you two just met.
ROXY: spicy ;)

Jake shrugged, deciding to bite into his food in order to avoid answering which only managed to stress her out even more as she let out an exasperated sigh. It's 8:47 in the morning and she's already stressed out. She's not even at work yet.

JANE: Roxy, I'm going to have to trust you to make sure Jake doesn't end up burning the house down.
JANE: I would leave this task to Dirk usually but he is nowhere to be found and I don't have the time of day or the patience to go looking for him.
ROXY: u gotz it janey
ROXY: ive got this in tha bag
ROXY: totes

Jane rolled her eyes, not believing her one bit but she really has no choice but to trust her, since the weaboo is still sleeping. As much as she hates to admit it he was the only other sane person here.

JANE: I'll, uh, be back at 4.
JANE: Please don't burn down the house.
ROXY: yeah yeah i got it janey now shoo


In around 3 minutes Jane finally arrived in front of her own bakery shop (and only fifteen minutes late! Joy). Yes, it was her own because she used her own "money" on opening the bakery instead of wasting her dad's. She was trying to be independent and this was one way of proving to her dad that she can be a good businesswoman. She likes to think she's doing well so far.

Jane opened the door, squinting as her eyes roved around inside the store to look for wherever her gremlin of a little brother-figure was but he was nowhere to be found. The lights were open which meant he must be here. Somewhere, probably in the kitchen.

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