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Chapter 6

Jane agreeing to the party idea shocked Roxy. Like, shocked her a lot. She probably just doesn't want to disappoint her friends, something Roxy could appreciate. And parties are her specialty!

ROXY: dirk dirk listen up
ROXY: dirk sit down on the couch
DIRK: What is it this time?
DIRK: I'm kind of busy right now.
ROXY: idc dirk ur always busy
ROXY: u should take a break becauseee
ROXY: were gonna have a party!
DIRK: It better not be here.
DIRK: Last time we had a party, you invited several literal strangers.
DIRK: The party hadn't even started yet and you were already completely wasted.
ROXY: hmmmmph
ROXY: well be happy bcause the party is in janeys house
DIRK: Jane?
ROXY: omg u deaf or what

Roxy sat herself down on the free space beside Dirk, moving closer to him, poking his cheek to grab his attention a couple of times.

DIRK: Roxy.
ROXY: u better not be a lazy bum and lock ur door
ROXY: or else
DIRK: You'll throw my porn outside.
ROXY: i can do that but
ROXY: maybe ill do somethin different this time
DIRK: Oh, no.
DIRK: I'm terrified.

Roxy giggled as she lied down, letting her head rest on his lap.

ROXY: mayb kick ur door?
ROXY: i know abt ur shoujo stash you japanese bitch
DIRK: And here I thought my room was a safe place.
DIRK: Too bad all my friends just love rooting through my shit like raccoons in a dumpster.
ROXY: oh shush dirk
ROXY: u know we love u

It was then that Roxy realized that she hadn't learned anything. She was still expecting an answer from Dirk, knowing full well that the dude never says and never will say anything even remotely romantic or cliche lines that they'd always hear in movies.
Well, sometimes he does, it's just that it was rare and it was always, always platonically. Or ironically. Maybe both. Neither choices really being the ones she wanted to hear.
Roxy was turning twenty this year.
All of them were turning twenty this year but even now every single one of them, that's right, every single one of these four idiots living under the same roof, herself included, were still single. Even this shades-wearing, katana-wielding, anime-watching,the one who draw naked people for ironic purposes, pony-loving rat bastard of a hot mess who was sitting so, so close to her, had never had his first kiss yet.
Who was she to talk about kisses, though?

Last she checked, she was still hung on her feelings for Dirk.
But now...
She looked up at the blonde, his orange eyes just barely visible underneath his pointed shades from the angle she was looking at. The guy was disgustingly handsome. From all angles, no matter how you looked at him, Dirk Strider was stellar-levels of handsome. The kind of guy that you wanted to get to know. The kind of guy that was hard to get through to.
Roxy sighed., though, she wasn't so sure.

In conclusion, they were all absolute fucking shit when it came to romance.
Roxy snorted to herself, getting up and off Dirk's lap. Shaking her head, she sat upright, fishing a flask filled with 'sparkling water' out of her pocket and taking a deep drink out of it. She noticed Dirk raising an eyebrow at her but she paid it no mind.
She wasn't drinking, anyways.

ROXY: we should start inviting ppl now
DIRK: What's the party for?
DIRK: For Jake?
DIRK: Seems a bit extravagant if you ask me.
ROXY: well its a good thing no one did then is it
DIRK: Wow.
ROXY: ha ;p
ROXY: but well
ROXY: ye i guess it is for jake
DIRK: You guess?
ROXY: ok ok heres the story
ROXY: jake n i went to janes bakery and then we saw john
ROXY: u still remember him right
DIRK: Yeah. Jane's 'little brother'. The guy that looks like a dumb bunny.
DIRK: Now that you mention John he kind of looks like Jake. A carbon copy of Jake actually.
DIRK: But a lot less..British.
ROXY: *snorts*
ROXY: so ye we saw him and then jade came in the shop and you wouldnt believe what happened

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