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Chapter 8

JANE: Roxy, its y-o-u not u!
JANE: Stop using abbreviations!

Instead, Roxy kept on using abbreviations and spelling errors, especially on the word "you".
And honestly, it was starting to annoy her.

ROXY: ugh can u chill?
ROXY: its just an invitation janey
JANE: Yes but I want it to look as professional as possible.
ROXY: i know that im not dumb
ROXY: and besides they can understand my abbreviations
ROXY: most kids use my language u kno
JANE: I'm aware of that but I still want you to use the correct spelling so it looks more fancy.
JANE: Can you do that for me, Roxy? Please?
ROXY: hmmm
ROXY: lemme think
JANE: I'll make your favorite food and..
ROXY: watch mean girls?

Jane gave her a stern look, a look that usually always makes her friends shut up and afraid, probably because Jane was so jovial and easygoing most of the time.
Unfortunately for her, that trick wouldn't work on someone like her best friend.

ROXY: ;) wink wonk
ROXY: cmon janey
ROXY: watch it with me
ROXY: im sure those guys are already hanging out so we should 2!
ROXY: gurls nite out baby

If Jane could trust Roxy in her kitchen, she would definitely order her to bake a cake but she knew that would be a huge mistake.
The last time she'd told Roxy that she ended up setting the oven on fire.
And then smoke came out the windows and the fire department happened and...
Jane shuddered just thinking about it. Never again.

JANE: Ok,ok.
JANE: I'll watch that girly movie with you.
ROXY: oh pls
ROXY: its funny and i like it
JANE: I know. I like it too.
JANE: I'm just messing with you.

Jane wasn't so sure if she could sit through another Mean Girls rerun without either throwing up or falling asleep.

Actually, Jane wasn't sure if she even did like that movie, considering that she had been forced to watch it with Roxy multiple times consecutively, to the point where, she probably already had the lines memorized but there was no way she could refuse her best friend.

She was too stubborn.
More stubborn than even Dirk and that was saying something. Roxy flashed her a pleasant smile before going back to her work and started deleting her "u's" and her "ur's".

Jane watched Roxy for a few minutes then decided to head back downstairs and walked towards her kitchen. One of the few rooms that she loved in this house.
She was about to grab the ingredients she need to bake a cake when Roxy called her.

JANE: That was awfully quick, Roxy. Are you sure you corrected all of them?
ROXY: uh huh
ROXY: i even counted all of them
ROXY: all 27
JANE: There should be 28.
ROXY: wat
JANE: There are supposed to be 28.
ROXY: oh uh
ROXY: yea i knew that

Jane crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows.

ROXY: oh pls dont u dare look at me like that
ROXY: i did what u wanted so shut up and lets start giving out these bad boys

Before Jane could respond, Roxy had already grabbed her arm and was heard towards the door, taking out her key with a devilish a smirk plastered on her face.

JANE: Oh no, no, no. Roxy, why don't we just watch-
ROXY: nuh uh bff
ROXY: remember u forced me to change my spelling so now its my turn to force you to ride on my motorcycle!!
JANE: That's different!
JANE: There's a high chance that I might die!
ROXY: dont be such a baby
ROXY: ur not gonna die trust me :3

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