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- Jerome (lets do something different)

Aubree and Finn got home yesterday and we're doing a family dinner to celebrate the birth of Adeline and Andrew. They where so cute. I was holding Adeline and Mitch Andrew I love them so much. Finn had his arm wrapped around Aubree both in a protective and sweet way. They're gonna be such good parents.

"Mitch remeber they were this little?"

"Yeah I do."

"We're getting so old, we're grandpatents now!" I say exited.

"I know. It all goes so fast."

"I know right."

"Are you two starting to look back in the past now?" Finn yokes.

"Yeah it all went so fast, I'll give you one hint. Enjoy every minute of this, they will be grown up before you know it."

"I know dad." Out of nowhere Adeline starts crying I try to make her stop but she just keeps crying. Finn takes her from me and rocks her softly and soon she's asleep again. He's really good with her. Mitch hands Andrew to Aubree aswell so that she can put him into bed. Finn follows her with Adeline.

"They're such good parents." Louise say when they're inside.

"Yeah I know." Mitch awnsers.

- A/N

I know short chapter but I'm kind of inspirationless, so please give me some ideas! So see ya laterz xx

Young love. (Sequel to is this love? #Mashley)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now