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- Aubree

I went to the doctors yesterday I hope my mom's right though. I really want children I just hope Finn will be okay with this. I still haven't told him.

"Aubree can you come for a second?" Finn yells from downstairs. I walk down to see him on the phone. "Some doctor for you." He says with a tone of worry in his voice. I take the phone.

"Hello, Aubree Aceti speaking."

"Hello Aubree I have some wonderfull news for you. The results from your pregnacy test have arrived, they're positive. You're pregnant, congratulations."

"Oh my gosh thank you for calling." I'm so happy. I put the phone away and fae Finn.

"Why did the doctor call?" He asked still worried.

"Finn, I went to the doctors yeterday to see if I'm pregnant." His face lit up.

"And?" He asked with excitement in his voice.

"I'm pregnant."

"Aubree thats amazing!" He pulls me in for a hug and kisses me passionatly. When he pulls back I see this big smile on his face. "I can't believe we're gonna be parents!"

"Lets go to our parents and tell them."

"Lets go." He grabs my hand and gets in the car. At our parent's home we get in and see they're hanging out in their shared garden.

"Hey sweetheart." Louise says. We walk to them.

"Mom, dad we got to tell you something." Finn starts, they all turn their attention to us.

"I'm pregnant." I say. They get up and hug us.

"Congrats sweety." My mom and dad say.

"Do you know the gender?" Jerome asks me. I shake my head no.

"I have an appointment tommorow."

~ The next morning ~

"Aubree wake up we need to go to the doctor." I wake up and get ready. We drive to the doctor. After waiting for 5 minutes we get called in.

"Okay Aubree you can lay down on the bed." I do as he tells. He puts my shirt up a little and puts some sort of gel on my belly. "Lets see." He starts rubbing my belly with a little machine and an immage that looks like a baby comes on the screen. "Here you see the baby." He says pointing out a shape on the screen. "Wait a second." He starts looking more carefully to the screen. "And here you can see the second baby."

"Wait second?" Finn asks.

"Yes, it's going to be twins."

Young love. (Sequel to is this love? #Mashley)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now