Wendy's Roasting People

668 147 80

Wendy's is a fast food restaurant of the foreign. These are the best comebacks Wendy's had replied with on Twitter.

Case 1:
Someone: not a big fan if your chicken nuggets
Wendy's: not a big fan if your existence

Case 2:
Someone: what should I get at the McDonald's?
Wendy's: directions to the nearest Wendy's

Case 3:
Someone: on a scale of one to ten, how much would you rate McDonald's?
Wendy's: we are going to negative numbers

Case 4:
Someone: what should I eat from McDonald's?
Wendy's: a ride to Wendy's

Case 5;
Someone: what should I get from Burger King?
Wendy's: a refund.

Case 6:
Someone: what should I get from McDonald's?
Wendy's: Get Out!

Case 7:
Someone: today I went to McDonald's
Wendy's: sorry for the bad day

Case 8:
Someone: how much does a burger at McDonald's cost?
Wendy's: your dignity

Case 9:
Someone: I'm at in and out, what should I get?
Wendy's: Out.

Case 10:
Someone: your food is trash.
Wendy's: nope, your opinion is though

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