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You know you are a true introvert when you have inside jokes with yourself?

Also, introverts don't make friends. They get adopted by an extrovert.

Every class has an introvert. If you don't know who it is from your class, it's probably you!

When 2 introverts meet, they ironically turn into extroverts with each other!

"Introverts Unite"... Separately in your own house.

Someone: Hey, you coming to the party tonight?
Introverts: um no, actually I have a 2000 word essay due tomorrow. Sorry. Maybe next time?
Introverts at home: *watch Netflix straight for 8 hours, aiming to complete 3 seasons per day* * on the bed, surrounded by food* *takes a quiz on what kind of pizza they are*

Being a introvert, most of the conversations I have are imaginary.

Someone: hey, why don't you talk
Me when I talk *Gets ignored* *gets interrupted* *gets talked over* *nobody listens and everyone gets bored*
People: hey, why don't you talk?

When you have distanced everyone from yourself because you are unworthy and sit at home thinking why no one hangs out with you.

Never say "Could anything be worse than this?" to an introvert. We tend to have a very wild imagination.

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