The Wall That Tried

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If humans are called human-beings, shouldn't us walls be called wall-beings too? After all, we are every bit as good as humans.

I was built around 120 years ago, and I have stood here since. In my lifetime, I witnessed so much, that I might never finish if I try to put it all in words. I have got painted thrice since the time I was built. Being a wall was never unbearable as you may think, until yesterday.
I was watching as cars went by and people kept walking by me, when suddenly I noticed a man drag a woman by her hair along the sidewalk. It was cruel and inhumane. He hit her and she cried out loud, so much that all the human beings stopped doing what they were doing and watched them in terror. They watched and watched, and I did too. I wanted to help the poor woman, I really wished I could. I tried to move as much as I could. But I was only as good as those human-beings. So I watched.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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