White Bedsheet

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I was a mother of 2 now. My darling elder daughter, 8 yo, was engaged in watching a YouTube video on my phone. I passed by her, unnoticed. I went to my room and she was still very much into her video. The man passed by her, unnoticed. I asked him to rush into my room. I shut the door behind me and tried to have a sensible conversation with him. But he wouldn't listen to me. He wanted to, and I quote, "just fuck someone and nothing more".

This was a bad time. I had had a baby recently. I was not in a good enough condition. But then he threatened me. He said he would fuck my 8 yo daughter if I didn't do it.

My heart sank. But I was not gonna fall for it. I dropped my sight to the floor as I walked to the door. "I am gonna wait outside. Don't spoil the sheets," I said as he looked at my daughter.

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