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I see Blood falling from her ears as she drops to the ground .

I stand with complete confindence, rising above only to see her fragile claws going away, revealing her human side. Without realizing it I stop screaming but she is still on the ground. Bleeding. I feel Strong for once, Im in control.

" You know Ive always found villains more exciting than heroes. They have ambition, passion. They made the stories happen. Villains didn't fear death. No, they wrapped themselves in death like suits of armor. But For like all villains, death doesn't scare them. So I have only one question. Are you Scared of Death? " I say and For once I dont even care, I feel my blood rushing threw my veins.

She doesnt answer. So I pick her up by her hair, She is now yelping.

" what did you do yo jackson "

" Its too late " Says Malia with a laugh. but as soon as she does I find my other hand smashing into her face. She Is know bleeding from her nose. My hand hurts like hell, but it was worth it.

" what did you do ? " She smiles as I drag her to a table and bang her head into it. Im careful not to let her pass out.

" WHAT THE HELL DID YOU ? You better tell me because I will kill you "

" No you wont " She spits out, and with that my patience was done. Shattered. I notice the syringe she used on Jackson is still laying on the floor with some of the yellow stuff still it. I pick it up as I walk toward her as she yells

" NO , STOP " 

" You will get exactly what you deserve. Unless you tell me how to save him " I say as inching closer to her with the toxic.

She wipes the blood from her mouth as she barely mutters out

" Rare Wolfsbane " 

" Thats not good enough Malia! " I yell as I grab her hair and pull her head back. I see a single tear drop from her face. It doesn't faze me; although kytos' to her acting innocent.

I Hear Jackson Dangerously coughing as I run toward him dropping the syringe. I Call Deaton.

" Jackson has beed injected with Yellow wolfsbane! What does that mean, I think he dying . What do I do? " I feel tears flood my eyes.

" You probably dont have alot of time left if he not awake, Do you have a knife or Scapel would be best "

" Im at Derek's Where Malia attacked us , What about a letter opener " I say as I see one on the table.

" thats fine. Make a long but thin Incision, You'll need someone to hold him down because he will wake up " Says Deaton.

" All that I have is Malia, who attacked us less than five minutes ago " I look around not seeing Malia I panic but shortly forget because I'm more worried about Jackson.

" Lydia Do you think he has enough time to wait for me to get there?  " He says in  serious tone.

" I don't know, I don't know " I say quietly feeling tears and my heart racing.

" Lydia. Calmly pick up the letter opener and make the incision and as soon as you make it hold him down as much as you can " Says Deaton.

Shakily I pick up the letter opener and make a quick slice and throw myself over him as he jolts up screaming but as soon as he realizes it's me he lays back down. Yellow Mist emerges from his the incision.

"  Your okay, Shh It's okay " I say as I rub his face.

" Lydia are you okay ? " He is barely able to mutter out .

" Yea I'm okay. " I say As I wipe away my tears.  I Pick up the phone and tell Deaton that he is okay.

" Deaton is on his way. "

" Lydia where's Malia? " Says Jackson worriedly.

" Well I was inch from Killing that bitch  but I was worried about you and she got away. " I say with a smirk

" Well its good to know that I'm more important than a crazy suicidal Cyote. " There is old Jackson with his usual Smart Ass Sayings.

" Although she got away this time I will kill her and when I do there won't be any one to stop me "


  • Later on afternoon•

" Stiles I'm fine ! " I say but he still insist on making sure by giving me fifty million hugs and kisses, Which I have no problem with.

"I'm just glad your okay " He says as he pulls me into another hug. I feel tear fall on my shoulder and I look to see a single tear rolling down his face.

" Hey look at me " I say and pull his face to mine .  " I'm okay, we're okay " I whisper to him softly .

" Lydia, this is all my fault I created a monster and she is know trying to kill you, and if she does I will literally go out of my friggin' mind .You don't understand, I love you so much it hurts, Physically hurts me to not be with you. I can't breathe with and without you. You are my everything and I can't even protect you but I want to not just for pride but because I love you. More than anything or anyone and I have never felt this way, ever, and if I lose you I won't recover. "

" And you won't have to because I will never leave you, ever. "

He softly pulls me toward him and places his lips to mine.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Oh, my , Lord I have srsly. Died. writing this chapter sorry its taken so long, I have been working really hard on this one. But I have already started on next chapter and it will be posted sometime this upcoming week  ILY❤

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