The Girl Who Screams Death

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I wake to find Derek Hale sitting in my girly pink chair beside my nightstand. I'm a little frightened and freak out.

" Um Excuse me but this is my room not yours. Get out ! " I yell.

" Cora's missing and I need your help to find her. Lydia your a banshee you can find her. "

" I think you over estimating my skills here "

" My sister is missing she is the only family I have! I need your help now help me ! " Derek Exclaims.

" what about your favorite uncle Peter ? " I say Sarcastically.

" Well being I killed him and you brought him back to life it's not the best relationship ever. " He says with a smart remark.

I get up walk to the bathroom he follows me then I slam the door in his face so he can't enter.

" Please Lydia " he begs.

I open the door and look at him.
He is giving me a look of helplessness I lean in as if were about to kiss and I slam the door in his face.

" I will help you, But I have to maintain my grades and social life so after school. " I say with a bit of attitude.

I arrive at school like normal when I see him. It breaks my heart he's not mine, but it's my own fault. I see him wave at me and I wave back with glowing smile but my smile fades when I see Malia come up and grab his hand. My heart silently breaks into pieces it feels like.

I walk away , trying to forget him. Forget the pain Im feeling knowing its my own fault he's not mine.

My name is Lydia Martin , Im a Survivor and there is no way in Hell Im losing him. She took his Virginity but I took his Heart.

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I'm updating chapters for grammar so. Please enjoy reading grammar at its finest. 😂😂 lol. Hope you guys enjoy.

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